Just sharing a bit of beauty

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Professional Dingbat, Guru and Merkintologist
Nov 4, 2012
Queensland, OzTrayLeeYa

I was out skiing on the lake this morning (-20C) and thought it would be nice to come back this evening and shoot a little sunset video.

So, here's that :)

(to the Australian members I hope this takes away a little of the "heat" you're feeling)
Duffey;n872968 said:
I was looking forward to viewing the video, but I receive a message saying there's been an error with the display.

Something odd with this site setting
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Tap it once
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It was my birthday the other day ... went skiing ... was good to be out.. The day started foggy, cold and still ... which is good for frost growth

but when I got to the island it began to clear ... a cup of something warm out of the thermos and I skied round the other side to photograph the sun coming through the line of trees [IMG2=JSON]{"data-align":"none","data-size":"full","src":"https:\/\/c1.staticflickr.com\/1\/305\/32709961592_66f9a04cf6_b.jpg"}[/IMG2]

So 3 heart surgeries (which I count as 3 renewals on my lease here), 53 years and not dead yet ... lets see what tomorrow brings ;-)
Glad to share.

I'll follow up this to say that being on warfarin (and having had 3 OHS's culminating in a mechanical) has enabled me to continue living life as I want to.

I'm 53 now (it was my birthday the day of these shots and I took myself out skiing) and by the viture of self monitoring I can travel where I wish and do as I wish. I'd say I'm in "average health" for a man my age ... perhaps better than "average" for some developed countries where obesity is the norm.

So, my pack and skiis

The weather has been great, with some good -20C temps to thicken the ice and then a few days of +4C to allow snow to compact nicely and make cross country skiing easy on the lakes.

This is me with the wide angle lens doing a camera selfie (not my phones camera either)


I'm posting this to help remind people that not only is there life after valve surgery, that indeed its often life "as if there was never a problem".

The only thing wrong with most of us valvers is a little bit of plumbing. Which is fixed in surgery. For most of us I'd say "Blood Thinners" is not a problem, its a path to freedom ... its only the medical system attempting to manage us for our own good that's the obstacle to freedom.

Life life, enjoy and remember ... its all up to you.

Best Wishes
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PS: Yesterday we went out in the car to another island ... good condidtions

(car is faster but less "fun" if you ask me)

So for those who've never driven on the snow covered lake ... (its similar to the beach)
A bit like our the dry lake beds we have out here...Loads of fun for riding, but much more interesting when you stop and really look. So much beauty to enjoy.

My son a few years ago on the Black Rock:

Just off the playa:

Not far from the playa, yet not many take time to explore off the playa (106 F water, wonderful)

I really need to get out more!
