Thank you - one step at a time is good advice. Do you really like wearing a CPAP as it helps with your energy levels? Of course, I am speculating what may happen with me. I talked with Jeanne in Dr. Cosgrove's office today (BTW they still have not read my echo tape and that is what I called for) - she said that a heart rate of 40 at night is no big deal and she said the 95 heart rate was probably from having a wild dream. Even my cardio nurse here in Colorado wasn't alarmed by the readings, BUT they all are sure interested in doing another monitor with me wearing oxygen.
I suppose the next step (if needed) will be to do a sleep study.
I also had a WONDERFUL talk with my dear friend from, Betty, today on the phone. As most of you know, she is a former nurse and is so knowledgeable. She suspects sleep apnea, but also she did admit that as my heart has been repaired, it is remodeling and trying to figure out how to adjust and work right - hence, with the left ventricle now having to work harder for the first time (with the blood coming into that chamber instead of regurgitating back up into the left atrium), the right heart may be not quite ready for all that blood either. I think that is what you were saying, Betty, right? I am going to hold to that statement of yours as that is what one of my cardios here in Colorado also said - that a little enlargement after valve repair or replacement can happen and often does.
However, all that said, I have every reason to have sleep apnea - life-long snorer, severely deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, allergies to our cats, taking sleep aids and drinking wine at times before bedtime, sleeping on my back, valve problems, etc. etc. I will keep you all posted.
Mark - a lot of great ideas, as usual. You are so insightful. However, I have NOT been on the internet - at least not to look up anything regarding pulmonary hypertension. I have been reading a little on sleep apnea, but need to stop that and will. However, IF I have sleep apnea and truly do have slight right heart dilatation and I can do something about it all - that will be worth getting on the internet even though it scared the crap out of me (and I still have every word I read on the internet in my head).
Sometimes you just can't "accept" things - that may not need to be accepted, ya know? Anyway, Cleveland will be calling with their take on the echo in about 7-10 days and I see the new cardio on January 4 and will probably ask for another echo IF this cardio also tells me that there is no way I have pulmonary hypertension - just to prove to myself that the last echo measurements were wrong.
It is all very scary (for me personally) - and God is my help and refuge right now.
Thanks everyone. And thanks again Betty - you are such a special person and have such a way of putting a person at ease with your graciousness and positive attitude - God bless you.
Christina L