I know I should call my dr. and do something but right now my issue is money and work and school and moving. I am stressed today b/c everytime I feel like I have some things worked out something happens again and I get back at square one. Thankfully I only had on episode of racing/pounding heart yesterday w/chest pain that lasted probably only 5 min. and today a real little bit. I should call my doctor and get something going I know as you all so kinldy instructed me but I feel hopeless today and can't gfet up out of my stressing to worry abnout heart issues. Funny that I feel good today w/little problems heart wise but feel stressed over other things. I think I can say my symptoms of heart probs arent anxiety since I feel ok today. I am sorry to babble on here so, I just need to write down my probs maybe feel better. I will post again when Italk to my dr. she what she says and if I talk to my internist at all I will also post. Take care all, thanks for listening to my babbling. Erica