just babbling.. stressed today..

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I know I should call my dr. and do something but right now my issue is money and work and school and moving. I am stressed today b/c everytime I feel like I have some things worked out something happens again and I get back at square one. Thankfully I only had on episode of racing/pounding heart yesterday w/chest pain that lasted probably only 5 min. and today a real little bit. I should call my doctor and get something going I know as you all so kinldy instructed me but I feel hopeless today and can't gfet up out of my stressing to worry abnout heart issues. Funny that I feel good today w/little problems heart wise but feel stressed over other things. I think I can say my symptoms of heart probs arent anxiety since I feel ok today. I am sorry to babble on here so, I just need to write down my probs maybe feel better. I will post again when Italk to my dr. she what she says and if I talk to my internist at all I will also post. Take care all, thanks for listening to my babbling. Erica

Relax. Breathe. Everything will be okay. Take comfort in the fact you have people who care. The day-to-day stresses are just that - day-to-day stressors. Money and work stresses will always be there - make friends with them. Take a deep breath and remember that you are here. Now. And that many of your worries don't need to creep into today. They are worries about what might happen tomorrow, what might happen in the long run, what needs to be done in the next week or month.

Stop, look around, and see what is going on for you TODAY. You most likely have a roof over your head, some food in the fridge, a few birds chirping outside your window. This is your reality. The rest? My guess is it is mostly worries the future.

Let tomorrow stay in tomorrow only take into today what is today's. Relax. You can do this.

Hey Erica,
I think Melissa said it all, just relax and breathe. Remember we are all here to listen and offer support. So if you need to talk we will listen. Hope everything turns out OK for you.

Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Erica - today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. Worrying about it won't fix it, but sometimes it makes us feel better. You have come to the right place to voice your frustrations and anger. Hang in - we are right here to hold your hand, cyber speaking. Love to you - Ann

Babble away whenever you need to ;).

I know...as I bet most (if not all) of us do...that feeling of coming up against one obstacle after another that seems to push us farther and farther away from "happiness". I've been in those shoes before...and it's not fun. I'm still not sure what made me "better", per se, but, as I believe I mentioned to those of us who got together for lunch in the Chicago area a while ago [arg...how long has that been?!], something just "snapped" me into realizing that things are just the way they are supposed to be. Am I cured 100%? Heck no...LOL. But, I see things in a different way these days...and it is a good feeling!

So, hang in there...and, like Melissa said...relax and breathe! Melissa put things quite nicely for ya :).

And, as Dave said...we will listen and offer support!

And, Ann, I had not seen/heard that put that way before ("today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday")...and I definitely like it :).

Cort S, pig's valve & pacemaker-enhanced 29/swm
Instant Messengers...AOL="fc72mc"...Yahoo="knightfan2691"
member & newsletter editor, Faith COB: http://www.faithcob.org
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My MC Family: http://www.chevyasylum.com/cort/
RIP: '76=Parents' [my] MC ... '88 MC LS ... '00 'MC' LS
Spotting MCs: http://www.chevyasylum.com/mcspotter/main.html


hi you guys, thanks for your kind words and for taking time to read my posts. I so appreciate this board and all of you that go with it!! I will try and stay cheerful and not let tomorrow's problems worry me so today! Erica
Your Fortune For Today- A Smile I Hope!

Your Fortune For Today- A Smile I Hope!

Babble On Zena

Hope this brings a little smile to you if nothing else. :D

I just know someone is going to get offended, please don't. Just laugh for a change.