A year ago this weekend my husband died from lung cancer.It was really Monday morning, March 19th, but this was his last weekend. I have been thinking about how Friday night was the last time that he really knew what was going on. SO many sad memories...At the time, I came here and got tons of support for which I am grateful.
Then I came on this week and read about Granbonny. It just made me so sad.
She was one of the ones cheering me on when I was petrified about my OHS.She was there last year too giving her support. You never know what a year will bring.
I am okay. I am still teaching which I love. Daylight savings time helps. I hate the dark. But I just had to reach to this family. My own family is 1200 miles away. Sometimes I feel just as close to you all.
A few thoughts and prayers would be appreciated.