Just a snow picture

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Well, I got my wish:D and more:p 8 inches of the real pretty snow without any sleet/ice.....Atlanta only got a cold rain but all counties North of Atlanta..school closings, ect.....Here on my Mountaintop..we are stuck inside...We own no snow shovel..:D so it has just been a very long day...Yes, I did the log thing in fireplace..cooked a huge breakfast..Hubby has many projects downstairs with heat..but..I kelp walking to front door. threw some birdseed off the front porch..About noon, hubby walked kallie and made big footprints on sidewalk..so I was able to throw some birdseed in his footprints. the little ones came..but, no big birds..Had to laugh..saw a squirel come down to bottom of tree and tried to go over to birdseed...but he was up to his stomach..and decided not worth it..:D ...........No cars passed our house..We still have about 4 inches left..still on cars, deck..but maybe tomorrow afternoon it will start to melt...Fun for a day..but, I am an outdoor person......and dared not go down the steps today..:eek: Plus, all I have done today is eat..:eek: ........So, I have had my one fun snow day..:D Bonnie


Christina- I do think of myself as a very "romantic" person, and I was very happy to read that it apparently shows in my posts. I have had a very unusual life.

When I was six years old, I was kidnapped (though only briefly) by a couple of drunks, then rescued by my mom & our wonderful mailman. Soon after that, my Dad took me with him because he needed to let himself into the apartment of a single woman who had not paid the rent in the slum apartment my dad was caretaker for. I was the one who found her decomposed corpse.

Before I turned seven I contracted a very severe case of polio, and was paralyzed from the shoulders down for a period of months. Because it was an epidemic, my folks were not allowed in to see me for the first six months I was there.

And then everything turned around. My folks had been told if I lived I would never walk. It took years of rehab., but I made such an incredible recovery that I was chosen to be among four miracle cures featured in the Minneapolis paper at the 25th anniversary of the Sister Elizabeth Kinney Institute.

It turned out I had a knack for studies, and then the practice of law. In college I ran across a girl so wonderful that no one else could ever compare. I was so smitten it really did hurt my heart to think of life without her. All this before she even knew my name. She had a lot of choices, but it all worked out, and she agreed to marry me 37 years ago. And I have hardly taken a single day of my life with her for granted.

As I look back, life conspired to make me a romantic, and to me, romantics are the luckiest people in the world. I have been very blessed, and best of all---I know I have been incredibly blessed. So, I live my life, take my pictures, write my thoughts, and thank God that things worked out for me in such an amazing way.
Dennis - an interesting life to say the least! What a great story. Thanks for sharing it.

Do you have any problems with Post-Polio Syndrome? I have a good friend who had polio. She has always had to use braces and crutches. But she has been hit very hard in the last 15 years by PPS and is now in a wheelchair all the time. I haven't read much about it in recent years, but from what I remember, they didn't know why some polio survivors had issues after so many years of stability, while others did not. My friend is 58.
Post Polio Syndrome

Post Polio Syndrome

II am the perfect candidate for post polio syndrome. From what I have read, people who had amazing recoveries, and then went on to be unusually active are at the greatest risk. After I was able to walk, then run, I tried to make up for lost time. I rode my racing road bike a few thousand miles a year, and started a club of serious (and merciless) cyclists. In recent months I had gone from being the leader to the one who was dropped on long, high-speed rides. And then one night I read an article about PPS. I will never forget reading that article. I had spent a long evening in the office, and picked up a copy of Time magazine, just relaxing a little before a late night trip to the parking ramp. As I was reading, I suddenly gasped for air-I had unconsciously been holding my breath as I read. A lot went through my mind.

I may be the only person on this board to have breathed a sigh of relief after learning I had a treatable heart valve condition.

And, so far, I have been free of Post Polio Syndrome, praise God.
A very inspiring story, Dennis. You've climbed many mountains and I am so glad that you now live in peace and love amongst the mountains of New Mexico. We have a nephew who also had polio as a youngster and has worn braces ever since and now in his 50's does suffer with mild PPS. He too has the support and love of a wonderful woman (my niece) and the same great attitude.
Wow. Attitude is everything and you show that. Your wife is very lucky. I do love the snow also, but I'm one of those who are always cold. I'm home until my surgery with instructions to do no cardio, so I've got the heat at 73°! :cool: Of course, when my hubbie comes home from work it will be set back to the freezing 68°. :eek:


1995 - TIAs (mini strokes) started after birth of my daughter, Aspirin started.
1996 - BAV w/mild stenosis diagnosed.
2003 - PFO (hole in heart) fixed w/Amplatzer. 3 catheters up the legs.
2003 - FVL (clotting disorder) diagnosed, Coumadin started.
2/16/07 - Surgery for BAV w/severe stenosis, Mechanical Valve, Dr. Suri, Mayo Clinic.

Expect the best. Prepare for the worse.

I intend to live forever -- so far, so good.

"Life is great, life is grand. Life is like a rubber band." - Jackie Beach


We lived in Falcon Heights Minnesota all our lives, untill we retired to New Mexico. Is that a border collie in your picture-we brought our two border collies from Minnesota, and they love running free across the mountains.
Dennis -

Dennis -

Quite the life you have had. I knew there was a depth to you that we here on VR.com did not know about! Thanks for sharing.

As I said before, you are an inspiration for me and I'm sure many here on VR.com.

Have a great weekend! Stay warm y'all - even you Bonnie! Glad you got some pretty white stuff. :)

Christina L