Well, I got my wish
and more
8 inches of the real pretty snow without any sleet/ice.....Atlanta only got a cold rain but all counties North of Atlanta..school closings, ect.....Here on my Mountaintop..we are stuck inside...We own no snow shovel..
so it has just been a very long day...Yes, I did the log thing in fireplace..cooked a huge breakfast..Hubby has many projects downstairs with heat..but..I kelp walking to front door. threw some birdseed off the front porch..About noon, hubby walked kallie and made big footprints on sidewalk..so I was able to throw some birdseed in his footprints. the little ones came..but, no big birds..Had to laugh..saw a squirel come down to bottom of tree and tried to go over to birdseed...but he was up to his stomach..and decided not worth it..
...........No cars passed our house..We still have about 4 inches left..still on cars, deck..but maybe tomorrow afternoon it will start to melt...Fun for a day..but, I am an outdoor person......and dared not go down the steps today..
Plus, all I have done today is eat..
........So, I have had my one fun snow day..