Just a snow picture

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Dennis S

VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jun 28, 2005
Northern New Mexico
It started to snow yesterday, and is still going 19 hours later. I took a few pictures, and then started plowing. I guess I am in the right place, because I do love new snow, and around here it melts before it becomes "old snow".

Barb's school was cancelled and we are spending the day around the fire baking cookies and tending the fire.
Sounds like heaven to me! Snow, fire, cookies and the one you love. Can't get any better than that.

If you hear a knock on your door sometime early tomorrow morning - it's Glenn and I. We're moving in.
Beautiful picture, Dennis! I love the fresh snow too! I was in a similar mode on Tuesday. We got about 36" on Sunday and Monday and the kids had snow days on Monday and Tuesday. My two teens and I spent yesterday morning making donuts and taking breaks from snow clearing and sledding to eat them!
PJmomrunner said:
Beautiful picture, Dennis! I love the fresh snow too! I was in a similar mode on Tuesday. We got about 36" on Sunday and Monday and the kids had snow days on Monday and Tuesday. My two teens and I spent yesterday morning making donuts and taking breaks from snow clearing and sledding to eat them!

So you were in that band of snow I saw on the local weather. You really got hammered! But you're probably used to it.

Sounds like a wonderful day for you and your kids. So were they drop donuts or the ones with the holes? Yum!
Beautiful photo, Dennis -

Beautiful photo, Dennis -

HOWEVER, snow schmow, I am very tired of the white stuff. I'm ready for summer and better yet, I'd like to take a month's vacation to the Bahamas. :) That is what a lot of the shop owners do here in Estes Park - head way south in Jan and Feb. Sigh....

A person can only bake so many cookies up here in the Rocky Mountains. :rolleyes:

I was just walking through the falling snow on the way to the post office this afternoon trying to do some positive self-talk like "The snow is pretty....spring is just around the corner....I like the four seasons...etc. etc." Didn't work! ;) :D

Christina L aka The Grinch
More Snow

More Snow

This is the window by my side of the bed, and this was the first thing I saw this morning. The little house you see is our little guest house that I have often talked about. Karlynn-if you & Glenn could get up the road today, you would definitely belong out here.

There was some interesting driving on our little mountain road today. One thing about the west-we try really hard to take care of each other. A guy visiting from out east slid into the ditch this morning. Those of us who live on the road just went to work & got him out. Threre is no one to call, and between us, we have what it takes to get the job done--as long as you don't go over the side.

What can I say--I really do love new, white snow.
Winter came to town on January 16th and it's snowed everyday since. Today is the first we've seen the sun in 2 weeks. Back to winter tomorrow.


Did you guys get any of this snow?

You must admit that we do get a lot of sun, even while we are getting the snow. You can get enough of cookies and fire watching, but that's when you head out to the hot tub.

And after that you get out your computer and talk to your friends.
We are suppose to have our first snow tonight.:) ..The cold weather is in place...it has been below freezing all week. so should stick....Atlanta weather is forecasting ..starting at 4 a.m.....freezing rain, sleet..and our county is in the zone for snow in North Ga...Atlanta news said 350 sand trucks ready to roll on the interstate around Atlanta...Atlanta Airport saying that Delta has already cancelled flights for tomorrow.....I'm sure the bread/milk is flying off the shelves down there.:D ......Suppose to be an all day event thru tomorrow night.3-4 in of snow for us.:) but..local news said ice, too.:mad: ...........I hate ice..because the first thing that will go will be cable..then power.:mad: ......No internet....:p ..but, will give it up for a real pretty snow.:) Bonnie
We are paying for the balmy weather in December. Very cold, always snowing but just enough to cause dangerous driving, not enough to rationalize staying home. Since I was off work for 2 weeks sick, I can't take any snow days unless they call a snow emergency. They only seem to do that when I am already out.:rolleyes: :mad:

I only like snow when I can look at it from in front of the fireplace with a mug of hot chocolate. Not a snow bunny here.;) :D

Dennis - beautiful pictures.
So you were in that band of snow I saw on the local weather. You really got hammered! But you're probably used to it.

Sounds like a wonderful day for you and your kids. So were they drop donuts or the ones with the holes? Yum!

We sure did get hammered! I will have lived here for five years on Feb. 5 and this is by far the most snow we have gotten. We have heard "we're having an unusually mild winter" each year since we got here! Until recently we didn't believe it was ever any other way! Even in past years when others have gotten loads of lake effect snow we have somehow missed out--blew right over us! Snow plows just got to us late this morning.

They were the donuts I used to make with my mom--right out of the Fannie Farmer cookbook. With holes! Yum indeed! (But bad bad oily naughty not at all Ornish approved! :p )
Dennis S said:
You can get enough of cookies and fire watching, but that's when you head out to the hot tub.

Well now you're just rubbing it in!!!:D :D :D Just kidding! Love the pictures. They give me such a lovely mental vacation. So relaxing and calming.

Christina L- I love you dear! You just slay me! Thanks for the chuckle!

PJ - I'm sure you burned up those Killer Donuts while sledding. If not - look upon them as jump-starting your metabolism. Sinful indulgences like donuts every now and then are good for that. Whenever we go to see our daughter at Michigan State in the winter, we always hold our breath around the St. Jo area. We've been in several white-out situations around there.
thanks for the pictures, they're beautiful. I love the smell outside right after it snows, the damp "snow" smell, the way it makes your nose feel frosty when it's REALLY cold, and the absolute silence looking out during a heavy snowstorm, when you can hear it hitting the trees.
We are supposed to get 2 inches here overnight so everyone is getting panicky. I had to laugh, one of the local news channels has a new measure of how bad the storm should be--the "Bread" gauge, where they use a loaf of bread to predict how worried we should be. This is only a 2 slice storm LOL. But like others have said, we have also had a very mild winter so far, although it has been cold the last few days. My dogs got their new pajamas today, I'll have to get a picture and post it!
I have a new computer!

I have a new computer!

I just got a new (refurbished) MacBook Pro laptop with a gorgeous 17 inch screen. I have spent a good part of the day taking pictures, and putting them on the computer. I am having so much fun, I hope it will be ok to put up 1 more picture, then I promise I will stop! And I wil take them down soon to preserve space. I am a little out of control, I guess.
Yes, Dennis,

Yes, Dennis,

we most definitely got some of New Mexico's snow. And yes, we have had some of that gorgeous Western sunshine, but just not enough!

As for the hot tub, it's too cold and snowy to go outside to get into it!! :eek:

In order to redeem my character a bit, I LOVE snow -- right before, during, and right after Christmas (for about a week on both ends). ;)

I used to love to play in the snow when I was younger and was a big X-C skier, but middle age has crept up on me and I can gleefully say now: been there-done that!! However, Wayne and I will try to get away for a X-C ski weekend to Snow Mountain Ranch before the winter is over and here in the Rockies, we have a looooonnnng way to go. :(

Christina L
P.S. Dennis -

P.S. Dennis -

I admire you so much for keeping the "romance" in your life - you are quite the romantic and are able to see the beauty in everything - even the mundane. Thanks for the inspiration.

Christina L
Thanks for the beautiful pictures, Dennis- almost makes me miss the white stuff, but not quite!;) I can appreciate the joy of being snow-bound- kind of wish for that to happen down here in sunny FL, but that only happens to the natives- you should see how they bundle up when the temp falls to the 50's or 60's. The fellows who do the landscaping in our condo project wear wool hats, mittens and heavy coats!
Got to thinking about my

Got to thinking about my

last post on this thread and wanted to clarify that, Dennis, your life is FAR from mundane! I was thinking of winter and snow (continual snow) as the mundane thing. I should have said that you find the beauty in the "everyday."

Also as for the snow, I DO like snow, but Colorado has had more than their share this year and living here in the mountains, we have three months of summer and 9 months of winter every year. There is no real spring or fall. So....that is where I am coming from! I am trying to talk my husband into moving down to the Front Range of Colorado where we will have more summer and I can have more flowers and a garden - and we can come to the mountains any time we want. Living up here is beautiful, but...you have to be a very strong person who likes snow a LOT and likes solitude. The older I get, the more I like warm and sunshine and being around people and culture.

So, Dennis, enjoy the gorgeous snow and bake all the cookies you want!

Christina L
SSNNOOWW (chatter,chatter) CCOOLLDD...

SSNNOOWW (chatter,chatter) CCOOLLDD...

Our younger son got married in upstate NY last weekend, near the Catskills (not too far from where I think Nancy lives). We flew up there a week ago today and they promptly got the most snow they'd had in a year and then Friday was the coldest day they'd had in two years. Some timing.

I always say I love snow. But I haven't lived in it for twenty years. And I say that when I'm NOT trying to not slip in slick snow in my West Coast tredless Mules (shoes), and when I'm not trying to get in and out of a slushy rental car with nice wedding clothes, and when I'm not trying to keep warm with a 20+ degree below zero windchill...

This NY trip was the week after we had the worst freezes in decades here at home. Some of the neighboring orange groves are shockingly freeze damaged.