Just a quick note!

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Hi all,
On the run here (no not from the law lol)so will make this short.

Saw cardio yesterday and I have been given a clean bill of health! My EF dropped slightly but otherwise mitral valve is doing its thing beautifully. I am free of him for a whole year... but he said that he would not place any bets on that one. lol

When I told him about the appey he was stunned... but said hey, who needs one anyway. A while later while we were chatting after my appt., he looked down at my feet.... and noticed my toe. When I told him that I had broken it, he took about three steps away from me! When I asked him why he said that it was to avoid the lightening that may strike me at anytime. hee hee

Oh my he is ornery.. that is why I love him! lol

Busy next two weeks... therapist appt. on Monday; oncologist in Spokane Tuesday; Wed. will be spent cleaning; Thursday back to Spokane to pick up my sis at the airport; then back to Spokane again on Tuesday to take her back to airport. Then on Thursday I will meet the new doctor here who I hope will become my PCP; then on to Coeur d'Alene to see plastic surgeon for pre-surgical for the breast reconstruction; and later I am having lunch with two women from the American Cancer Society. WHEW!

Hope everyone is doing well... I'll try to get on more!!!!

Take care,
hi zazzy!
great to hear from you; we missed you!
what a great posting.... you are quite busy, but all for good things.
thrilled to hear you are feeling well and the doc says you are fine.
please stay well and keep us posted about all/ any upcoming events in your exciting life!
be well, sylvia