Jury Duty Again

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
Has anyone got called for jury duty soon after open-heart surgery? I got my notice 2 weeks ago..submitted paperwork, date of surgery and asked for dismissal for first week in Oct..Don't need the stress right now. But I went to courthouse today and they said I needed the?:confused: doctor to write a reason for me. Called the Cardiologist..They won't do it..so will call my PCP tomorrow. Haven't seen him since a week before my surgery. Don't know if they will fax anything. If not, I'm going Pumphead and all:D :D Hope it's not a murder trail:D :D Bonnie
Hi Bonnie,

I have received two so far since my surgery two years ago. Both actually came within 6 months of eachother and I didn't feel up to it either. Like you, I didn't want the stress. I called my cardiologist and he wrote me an excuse both times, and it was accepted. That was nice! Not that I was afraid of being picked. Two of the questions always asked are if you are against or for the death penalty, and what radio talk shows you listen to. Sometimes they also ask what magazines you read, I've been told.
I would've given them an earfull.
I kind of hate jury duty and I wish they would hire professional jurers. People that have the time and want to do this for a decent pay.

Tucson, AZ.


My son is in Law enforcement. I served when he was in high school..and again before he was out of college..In this county, you check that box..but my Hubby was told to come on down anyway a few months back.What a waste of 2 days...sitting around....never was called. Our county is very small in the Mountains of Georgia...Lots of moonshine cases I guess:D and not enough voters ( I think that's how they got me) My Card's office won't do anything but think my PCP nurse will listen tomorrow and fax something in...Bonnie My big concern Don't (don't read this boys:D ) I don't wear a bra anymore and hate to dress up. :p :p :p Bonnie
I have been called - and went, but before surgery. I am glad I had that opportunity and think everybody ought to do it at least once. My case was a very easy one, tho - This, too is a small county and you don't always have to have a written excuse. My aunt had died and funeral was next day on one of the times I was called so they let me out.. A man next to me told them he couldn't remember anything - and he meant NOTHING - from one moment to the next, I guess. So they let him go. All depends, I suppose. Am with you on that 'dress up' thing, Bonnie - discovered the sleep ones after surgery and now have a drawer full..


How would you feel to be on trial for something you were innocent of and had people like the guy next to you, me a pumphead, ect.:eek: :eek: Christina is right. We need professional people ......I burned the bra..:eek: :eek: Bonnie
Serving on a jury is a mixed bag. I fail to see why the doctor refuses to ask them to pass you over.

Now the dress code is another thing, can not touch that area.

Really, think you would be excused if you explained about law enforcment and pumpheadedness. Or just tell em you think a little moonshine is a god given right.

There has to be a way around it. Didn't you and your hubby have an extended motorhome trip planned to visit with your Vr.com folks out west that month????

Probably just slipped your pumphead??? Yeh thats it you won't be within 2000 miles of Georgia when they want you and the valvers need the greatest cheerleader.

Good luck.
County Officials

County Officials

Bill, I don't want to even get into the intelligence of our county officials. Example, she has my paperwork.Bonnie Anderson..surgery March 25th and asked me when she was looking down at it..Well, it's been NINE months. Don't you feel good? I said Mam, it hasn't even been six yet.:eek: :eek: Well, How are you doing..need to send you some stuff. Bonnie
Bonnie - I was called for jury duty once in my entire life. Unfortunately, it was two weeks after my surgery. Can you believe that kind of luck.
Jury Duty

Jury Duty

Hi all
As a former prosecutor I just want to say that serving on a jury is a civil duty that we should take seriously, and it can be quite fun. I'd love to serve on a jury, but probably will never get picked. Plus, what better way to see your tax dollars at work.

Anyway here are some hints to get off a criminal jury.
Say that if the cops arrested the defendant he/she must have done something wrong because the police don't have time to arrest innocent people.
the cops are a bunch of lame brains who go around arresting everyone because they don't care and a lot of innocent people go to prison because the "system" is biased.

Of couse, I am not advocating that you should ever try to get out of jury duty.......

Getting off a civil jury is harder. Try to think of a reason why one side would not want you. e.g. you hate all insurance companies,

Most judges will not accept that you have work, child care, problems. In Indiana people over 65 do not have to serve if they don't want to. Veterinarians and steam boat captains don't ever have to serve. Go figure. Old laws sometimes never get changed!
Employers cannot fire you because you serve on a jury and miss work.
Good luck.
Off Jury Duty

Off Jury Duty

I had a call from my PCP's office last Thursday telling me that they were about to fax a letter from my Dr. to Courthouse excusing me from Jury Duty. As of yesterday I still had not heard from them. (Was suppose to phone me)..so Hubby was in town and went by Clerk's office to ask..Same thing, oh it's here somewhere..yes she is excused. Hubby asked for written notice..No just tell her...Mara, you are 2 months older than my daughter..Yes, I think people should serve..I have several times..but with my stress (Mother died, father lives alone in Alabama, nearly blind..parking near courthouse impossible during Trial week..mechanical valve would be beating up a storm by the time I got inside.....:D And I know I would not be picked because of my son being in Law Enforcement next county over..Just the hassle of going and waiting...Bonnie
I understand about the hassles. I think the jury system needs a overhaul, but it won't happen in my lifetime.
Ah well, perhaps someday you'll be able to go and get picked for a really juicy federal jury.
I've never been called. Perhaps it's because my hubby is in the navy? Maybe it's because i have a MN driver's liscense and not a WA driver's liscense? Maybe it's because I don't vote. DOn't know, but I'm happy with my current situation. Now if my husband was home...I would be extatic!
Bonnie - I did get off without any argument. Since I was never back to NJ until I went back to work, my mother filled out the paperwork for me and sent it in. I never heard from them again.
Joy - in Florida it used to be registered voters only who were called (they called me 3 times and I served once). Now they draw from Florida driver's licenses. So if you don't fit into either of these categories, your state may not even know about you. I was truly honored to serve and found it to be a very interesting experience.
Driver's License?

Driver's License?

Joy, How can you drive in Wa with a Mn license..Thought you had to change within 30 days moving to another state. I'm going to tell my son on you;) ;) ;) I didn't vote either...The only way I know is off Property taxes. But I voted last week in our Primary. My man won by 200 votes. See how small a county we live in:D :D Bonnie