Johns Pre Op Appointment

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Hi everyone

Not been on for ages (so much so that I have changed our picture as John has grown another good few inches!)

anyway, update is that John has his pre op appointment this Friday, date for surgery is made then but usually its fairly soon after. They will do his bloods, Echo, Ecgs etc Firday and show him round the ICU and heart unit and hopefully we will then be able to know when the surgery is, most people I speak to said its a few weeks after pre op.....yikes!

John is really great at the moment, he has finished school and had last exams and his prom is Fri 29th June so we will definatlly be asking for op after this date.

I will keep you all updated

ps Special thanks to all of you and especially Brians mom Deanne for all her PMs


Karen & John

Thanks Karen, for the update.

I'm glad John has finished school, and any possible op dates won't interfere with that.

Please let us know when he gets a date.
Take care:)
Glad to hear from you, Karen and he sure has grown! Hope he has a wonderful prom and that all goes well with the pre-op. We'll be waiting to hear that you have a date.
Thanks for the update. It's good he'll have school out of the way. One less concern. Hope he has a great time at the prom. All the best at the pre-op.
Glad to hear from you. I have been thinking about you guys. How tall is he now? I am only 5'4" and Brian is now 5'11.
Hi Deanne

John has hit the 6ft mark!! I am 5ft 4 too so the size difference is quite a lot!

Thanks to you all for your kind words, I will be sure to post a picture of him in his suit for his prom - and give you news on his date of surgery.

Thanks again x
just a little update - John had pre op appointment and all went well, assuming that his bloods are ok the appointment will be anytime in the next 4 weeks, so its just waiting now for 'the phone call'

All the staff were lovely at the hospital and explained everything to John really well. We then went on a tour of the intensive care, high dependency and heart care unit.

As John is still under paediatrics,(my 6 ft baby!) it was quite funny to see him sat in the waiting room with his 'magic cream' on his arms waiting to have his bloods done!

Anyway, thats where we are up to at the moment.....will post the date of surgery as soon as I know.

Thanks again for all your kind words


Karen (& John!)
