Joe's update

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I thought I would let you know how Joe is progressing. This past year has been very, very eventful for him and not all of it has been good, but I think we're seeing a light at the end of this long tunnel.

For those new members, Joe had had his 3rd valve surgery last July and it was a repair on his mitral. It was a success. Shortly after, he developed serum sickness which put him back in the ICU for 12 days and left him in very bad shape. He recovered througout the winter and in the spring, he developed gallbladder problems, and had surgery to remove that this past May. Something went wrong during that surgery, and he had a total post surgical bleedout. He was in the ICU again for an extended stay and came home in semi-shock condition and in very bad shape with enormous amounts of ascitic fluid. In July he started feeling better, but came down with an extremely high temp of 106.7. Back into the ICU and another extended hospital stay. He was pumped full of antibiotics. In spite of all kinds of cultures and other tests, there was no diagnosis. But he gradually got better. Then came down with a clostridium difficile diarrhea infection in the hospital. It apparently was going around, and because of the antibiotics, he got a dose. He was put on Flagyl and it improved, but when that ended, the problem returned with a vengeance, leaving him totally depleted and very weak. Back on Flagyl (he's been on that for almost a month) and now on Questran, and yogurt, Nancy's script. Finally he's feeling better.

He's resumed trying to get the ole bod back in shape. We've started walking, since he's never been able to do any rehab after surgery last year, and he's lifting a little, 20 lbs. to start.

The very good news is that his heart has held up extremely well. And it's been tested to the MAX, afib, tachycardia, aflutter, PVCs, shock, hypotension, hypertension, low INRs, high INRs, all sorts of infections and meds. He said today while walking that he has no breathing problems anymore and his CHF is under control.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is the end of the major problems.

So-o-o, the moral of the story is that no matter how hard it is getting this surgery, it is a life saver, because you never know what else life has in store.

Never give up and never give in. And don't take no for an answer.
Nancy, I must say I was compelled to respond to your thread, I've been aware of all of Joe's medical problems to even the more recent surgeries and complications and I must say you and Joe are an inspiration to all of us. You are both heroes in my eyes. Heroes of open heart surgery, heroes to the whole medical society! You are a wonderful, caring, dedicated and compelling person and the same goes for Joe. I know he's done all the physical work but I've never "met" anyone so emotionally dedicated to someone. I think it's wonderful and I think you are the epitome of soul mates, I know many here have such caring loved ones and partners and I just hope one day I marry someone who is half as dedicated as you are to Joe. Well, What I'm trying to say is I'm ecstatic to hear Joe is feeling better and you're seeing the light at the end of that tunnel because you both deserve the very best and I want to thank you for being an inspiration to us all. God Bless!

*Some people come into our lives and quickly go, Others stay for awhile and leave footprints in our hearts and we're never the same again*- This quote reminds me of you, thank you for touching my heart. :D
That's our St. Joe.

He has REALLY been there and done that and traveled a road to where most would consider no return trip is possible.

Great news!
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Hi Nancy

There's not much more to say than what Nicole has already said. The two of you have been through so much, and you have so much more to give to others. You ARE OUR heroes. Your strength and spirit and endless, and your gentleness and compassion for others boundless. I do believe you are very blessed. I know you were there for me when Tyce was having his surgery---both pre and post, as you have been there for so many.

I wish you and Joe only the best for many continued years to come.

Evelyn and Tyce
This was a really heartwarming post for me to read. After all the two of you have been through, to see that Joe can now think about working on getting into shape is really welcome news.

Joe and yourself have really been an inspiration to me. I'm sure this is true for many others on the site as well!

Joe's update

Hi Nancy,

I know I don't post very often, but I felt I had to say something to you and Joe. As everyone else has said you two are amazing. One thing I wanted to add is that even though you have had so much to deal with in the past year, you have always been there with a word of encouragement for others who are going through tough times. And, you are always aware of who needs a word of encouragement or sympathy or a prayer. They say that God doesn't give us more than we can handle, but I think he is definately giving you a great challenge. I always look for your posts, they are always positive and most times very informative. Thanks for being there Nancy, you are an inspiration.


Joe must be one heck of a guy to face and deal with all the medical problems that he has endured and bounce back almost miraculously each time. He seems to have a tremendous amount of courage, determination and faith.

You are very extraordinary as well. I know your support has helped Joe at every crisis and probably in every day of your marriage. And the way you continue to give to others, even when you're dealing with some very serious problems of your own, says volumes about the kind of person that you are.

You and Joe are a beautiful couple and I wish you many, many more happy and healthy years together.

Nicole -- your message was was touching. I hope you do get your wish.

Ron K
Thanks Ron, I hope my wish comes true too, LOL. :D I haven't seen much of you lately, I was wondering how you're feeling? Hope everything's coming along, I know you were recovering well, Just want to see how you're doing and wondering if you're going to the reunion, I won't be making it but me and Evelyn have talked about plans for an East coast reunion this fall, Maybe AC?? Let us know, Don't be a stranger! All the best, God Bless! :D :D :D
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Nancy and Joe,

Glad to here you are doing better, it was a rough road but it seems to be smoothing out for you now. I'll be thinking of you on my recovery starting this week.


Glad to see you here again, i take it your sternum wire removal went well. Hope all is well with you.

I have my Ross procedure this Tuesday the 27th in Beth Israel with Dr. Steltzer. I'll post about it as soon as i can.

Dear Nancy and Joe:

You both must know by now how fond we are of you both. You are indeed, an inspiration.........

With best wishes for a full recovery!

Wayne and Marybeth
nancy and joe,
i really have nothing to add to what's already been said by everyone else here.
you have both been through such trying times together and have come out on top.
you are both an inspiration to us all. your strength, your persistence, your devotion and commitment to one another, your patience, your support, and much more...... what a wonderful example you set!
we are so fortunate to have you among us.
wishing you many more happy and healthy years together.
stay well, sylvia


:) I don't post often, but do read a lot and always look for your posts. I truly admire you both for your courage and stamina. There is not much more to say other than to just agree with all the posts before this one. If there was ever a guardian angel on earth, you're the one! Best wishes to you and Joe for a continued positive uptick! Peace, Susan:cool: