Joe's picture

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Oh, Nancy - how thoughtfful of you to share Joe with us and to let us be able to put a face with the person we've heard so much about. A really handsome fellow - and tell him I said so. Our Joes are pretty special, aren't they. God bless:)
Nice pic

Nice pic

Saint Joe!!!

Nice to see your face here, ol' chap!

By any chance are you two palnning to attend the Vegas Reunion this fall? I'd love to shake your hand and hug your wife! Oh now, don't get any ideas Nancy, my wife is joining me!
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Thanks for posting the picture of Joe. He is a very handsome man! I hope I get to meet you and Joe at the Las Vegas reunion in October. It would be such a pleasure. You have shared so much information on this forum and I know we all totally appreciate it. It is nice to be able to put a face with the name. We've heard so much about you Joe. Take care and God Bless!
hi nancy,
i agree, aren't joe's great? your joe looks so young! i guess i should realize by now that just because you guys have had avr or open heart surgery, doesn't mean that you'll look sick! after all, i have living proof in my own home.
glad to see how great and handsome he looks; it's good to put a face to a name. you're lucky to have each other.
now, if i could only figure out how to get a pic of my joe on .....hmmmm.
be well,
Sorry for the quality of the picture, but I don't have a scanner and Joe won't sit still for the QuickCam, so this is a picture of a picture. He's just a little grayer now after his last several surgeries, but still a handsome devil and not as stern as he looks. That was a formal type portrait.