Joe's meeting today with the General Surgeonm

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Joe had his appt. with the General Surgeon today. They are going to schedule him for gallbladder removal and the repair of his rectus abdominus muscle defect, plus the repair of a possible incisional hernia on his right side. Date has not been set yet.

With these things taken care of, I think he'll have much less discomfort in his chest, side and back, so we're hoping for a fast surgery date.
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Thanks for the update Nancy.

Joe will probably feel better with just the gall blader removal, but might as well fix everything in one shot. Tell him he has my best wishes and prayers for a full fix this time. Of course, I'll boo hoo, because I'm the only one with an alien then. :)
Best wishes to you both on this, Nancy. Sounds like he's going to have a roadmap on him when they get through. Please keep us posted on how things are progressing. Any idea how soon this will occur? God bless
Well Ross,

All you have to do is get your gallbladder to act up. They wouldn't have fixed the aliens (I don't think) if they were the only things there unless they were strangling something.

So I recommend popcorn with triple doses of butter, but of course then your heart might act up. Just no way to win LOL.

Thanks Hensylee. He will indeed have a map in detail with fine print. I only hope the whole thing can be done with a scope. That's the plan anyway.
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Brave Nancy

Brave Nancy

Your husband been through quite a bit over the years and is lucky to have you for so much support. And you are a tower of strength for eveyone. You are to be admired and keep it coming. Thanks for keeping us up to date on Joe and hope he comes out better than before. Keep hanging in there.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
Hello, Guiness?

Hello, Guiness?

Nancy, you are certainly quite the trooper, and you both deserve some type of break out of this deal!

I'm glad that Joe is anxious to get himself fixed up. I'm sure it all will go well...aren't they doing gallbladders with the scope now i.e. "minimally invasive?"
Yep, they are Johnny. I had mine done that way. It was so easy. The surgeon hopes that all of it can be done that way. There's only one hitch and that is the "alien" in his side which pops in and out and every time we go to the ER or the doctor's office, it's always hiding. So it has no name, but probably is a hernia.

This surgeon specializes in scope surgery, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Joe that he have no more big incisions. As we all know, scar tissue is not a friend.
Dear Nancy:

You are my heroine! And Joe, my hero!

God Bless you both. What a wild ride you two have been on. This I know appears as just a bump next to the mountains you've both climbed, but everyone here knows, that the bumpbs are not just small with the complexity of his health condition.

God Bless, and keep us in the know!

About Joe

About Joe

Sorry to hear about Joe. He couldn't have a better person to have be his side. I will be praying that all will be OK. Let us know what goes on. Syl

I'm so sorry to hear that Joe needs yet more surgery.

I truly hope (for both of your sakes) that this will be the one that finally fixes him up and he feels much better!

You're such a sweetie, and both of you deserve the best ... and if that means no more surgeries after this one, then I wish that for you!

Hang in there, and feel free to email me if you need a little :) .

Good Luck, you two!

Good Luck, you two!

I sure hope Joe's surgeries can be done by the scope. That would be so much better for him. Know that we are thinking and praying for both of you.

Best of luck to both you and Joe. He is very fortunate to have such a tower of strength beside him.

May the Good Lord Bless you both and may he always hold you in the palm of his hand.

Jack ( Welland )

I hope the surgeons can do what they have to do to relieve Joe's pain, and that they do it without too much delay or too much discomfort for him.

I also hope that you're taking care of yourself. All this tension has got to be taking a toll. Please don't let all this affect your health too.

You know that you both have a lot of support here, but I hope you also have family or very close friends in your area that you can talk with and share some of your frustrations.

Let us know when Joe's gall bladder operation and the other repairs are scheduled.

Ron K