Joe is home at last

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
I brought Joe home this morning. He's so happy to be sprung. He's very weak and still draining. That'll go on for a while. Visiting Nurses will come to see him at least once a day for a while. He's on Coumadin and Lovenox now, trying to get his INR up from the cellar where it had to be to stop the bleed.

I'm so happy to have him home.
Welcome home Joe
Hope you feel better very soon and no taking a turn for the nurse. (old joke, I know, but I couldn't help it!)

Nancy- you're a trooper. God bless you!

Welcome Home Joe!

It's so good to know your out of the hospital and I hope you continue to recover. You know you don't have a choice but to recover, around that woman of yours. Your both very special people.
Welcome Home Joe!!!

Welcome Home Joe!!!

Great news, Nancy! There is nothing like being back in your own home. Please pass my best wishes to Joe.
Thank Goodness

Thank Goodness

Holy Cow! Saint Joe does it again!!!

Congratulations to both of you on completing another long journey! Welcome home.

Nancy, looks like it's time to update your "signature" in your personal profile. My gosh is there enough room!?

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Good news. he will enjoy being in his OWN bed. Home sweet Home. Give him my best. And take a nap, Nancy. Know you are both tired from all the stress. God bless
Oh, Nancy, this is great news! Having your man back home, in his recliner, where you can keep a really good eye on him! And, of course, it makes the getting well, and the caretaking so much easier. I recall well bringing Wayne home. I was like a cat on a hot tin roof for about a week. Sensitive to every noise in the house. I was able to take that week off from work, and I'll tell you, the house was never cleaner, the baking/cooking more prolific, or the friendships more profound.

We wish Joe the very best of recovery periods, and hope that all goes well from here.

Welcome Home Joe!!!

I'm so glad Joe's home! Everyone else has said it all I'd just like to add that GOD is GOOD!! Joe will be up and about in no time, They say ya can't keep a good man down. Joe's proved that many times over. Bless you both!
My Goodness...Nancy and Joe..You certainly have had bumpy roads! I echo the others with best wishes for speedy recovery and a smooth road from here on. You both need a break and some rest!!!

Best regards,



May the goddesses of health and recovery take up residence in your home.
Warm wishes for your two have earned some dull, boring relaxing times!
Welcome Home Joe!

Glad to hear you're finally home. We've all been praying for you. Nancy, I know it is such a relief for you to have Joe back home with you. I too echo the others on Joe having a speedy recovery. I hope you both get some well deserved rest now. You have both endured a lot. I will keep you both in my prayers. Take care and God Bless!


It's so good to hear that Joe is home. Yes, you do need to update your signature with all Joe's "credits" at the bottom!

My Jerry is doing well too. In fact, he's tilling the garden right now. Got out of the hospital 2 weeks ago today.

God is good!
Hi Nancy,

I'm glad to hear that you and all your talented medical friends were able to pull Joe through another crisis. Joe must be so pleased to be back home and relaxing in his own bed again.

I'll bet he's up and around in no time.

Tell Joe you've had enough of these adventures for awhile and theat he better stay healthy for the next 10 to 20 years so you can recover from the stress you've been going through for the last 15 years'! :)

God bless you both!!!

Ron K
Delighted to hear the good news !

Delighted to hear the good news !

so glad to hear that Joe is home ...this must be such a relief to you both ....I hope Joe continues to make good progress ,please give him my best wishes for a speedy recovery Nancy ....and I hope you get some rest too have both been through so much ....Take care and keep in touch
I think of you both often


Tell Joe I said to hang in there. You will get better soon. I am glad that he is home also. You both have been through quit a bit. Take it easy. He will be better soon.

Aortic valve replacement
St judes valve
hi nancy!
what great news to come back to!!!! (i've been busy with a new "baby" , puppy and haven't been online in a few days).
i'm so glad for the both of you that joe is back home in his own bed and surroundings. must be so great for you too. what a rough road it's been for you two. please try and rest up in between, nancy, you must be so exhausted. naps together???
please wish joe a speedy recovery for us. you are in our thoughts and prayers.
all the best, sylvia
Glad to hear things are looking up for Joe.

Nancy, when do YOU get a chance to rest?

Best wishes, 'AL'
Welcome Home Joe & Nancy! It has been a long ride for both of you. We are so happy that the procedure was a success!

We will keep praying for you!

God Bless!