Joann's surgery

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
Hi Joann-

I think tomorrow is the day for Joann's vascular surgery. I want to wish you all the best Joann, and I'm sure your surgeon and your wonderful husband John will take excellent care of you.

We'll be waiting to hear how it went.
Hi Nancy and all!

No surgery, just an appointment with Vascular Doctor. She does not think surgery will be required. A LOT of walking may keep the problem at the current level. We are VERY HAPPY!

See posting on Reunion and airplane tickets! $59 on Southwest from anywhere in US. Is the reunion firm. We are going to buy our flight tickets soon!
Brilliant news !

Brilliant news !

I am so happy for you that surgery is not needed ....but I'm jealous about your plans for Vegas ...I wish I could join you :)