JJ's surgery

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Dear JJ - You are nearly done with your walk to the mountain and tomorrow you reach the top. Just want you to know that you are in my prayers as you go in to surgery. They will take very good care of you. Hope someone can post to us for you to let us know how things are going. Remember that many have you in thoughts tomorrow. GODSPEED
Hi JJ-

I'm wishing you every success tomorrow. We'll all be waiting to hear how it went. You'll be fine and like a new person soon.

Here's to your shiny new heart!
Insurance problems?

Insurance problems?

I thought we would wait to hear from you JJ on your insurance problems...Hope all went o.k. and you still have your surgery at Mayo tomorrow. Bonnie
The other thread

The other thread

JJ..Now I just read your great news in Pre-surgery forum..I'm so happy for you..Let us know soon how everything goes. Best of Luck. Bonnie
Go Get 'em!

Go Get 'em!

JJ, I'm sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Hope it all goes well tomorrow and you'll soon be on your way to a smooth recovery.
