JJGo's birthday

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
snowy - Sharpsburg, Ga USA
Hope your birthday is as wonderful and filled with happiness. And if Ross was here, he'd send you a special one, but I don't know how to do it - guess you will have to just accept words and not pictures for now. Happy Birthday.
Happy Birthday JJ

Happy Birthday JJ

Hope you have a very Happy Birthday..Bonnie:D


Thanks for the birthday wishes. I did have a lovely day. Our weather here cooled off on 8/1 and the last 2 days were gorgeous which felt like a fabulous birthday present itself.

I had breakfast out (walked the mile to the restaurant) with one group of friends and an early movie and great dinner with my Sweetie. It was a lovely day. I also moved back home from my friends place and slept in my own bed (with my happy kitty) for the first time in over 2 weeks last night. I'm just hanging out relaxing this morning and will have a little birthday cake gathering with friends this afternoon (very low-key). Life is good. I can't believe that 2 weeks ago I had just moved out of ICU to my own room at Mayo.

Here's a funny story from last night. Coming home from my birthday dinner, we pull up to my house only to find an ambulance and fire truck (paramedics) parked out front and a huge bunch of neighbors gathered open mouthed across the street. They all thought the ambulance was there for me and that something was terribly wrong. So I come walking up the sidewalk to find out what's going on and they fall all over me saying they are so glad I'm ok! The only way this can be funny is that the neighbor that the EMTs were called for is just fine also. So I gave them a hard time. This is what they would do if they thought something was really wrong with me, stand across the street staring! LOL!