Jesse Helms Scheduled For Mitral Valve Replacement

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
McLean, VA
From the Washington Post April 24, 2002

Helms Will Have Surgery To Replace Valve In Heart

Doctors in Bethesda Naval Medical Center will perform open-heart
surgery on Sen. Jesse Helms (R-N.C.) as early as this week to replace a worn out pig valve he has had for ten years.
Helms,80 has been in the hospital since Monday after telling his wife on Sunday that he did not feel well.
"He checked in with us several times throughout the the day" Helm's chief of staff Jimmy Broughtan said yesterday. "He sounds just fine. He's not groggy or anything"
The worn out valve is on the left side of his heart between the lower and upper chambers and pumps oxygenated blood into the rest of his body. The problem is the pig valve doctors used to replace Helm's mitral valve in 1992, Broughtan said.