Jayaresq surgery on Monday

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Just starting a post to wish Jim good luck as he goes for surgery on Monday. Hope you have a good weekend, Jim and feel at peace as you climb the mountain- kind of like you feel when you go to court and you know you are well prepared! Look forward to hearing that you did fine and that your are having an uneventful recovery.
Wishing and praying for the very best surgery for you. I know that you will do just great. Make sure that you, Nathalie and Amanda do some fun things this weekend.
The Best Of Luck Jim On Monday

The Best Of Luck Jim On Monday

Here is wishing you the very best on Monday, and I hope your recovery is speedy and as effortless as possible. Take Care, Harrybaby666 :D :D :D

Good wishes and prayers, I am sure you will climb the mtn just fine. Hope yours is a speedy recovery. I will look forward to your post-surgery details.

Positive healing thoughts heading your way.

:) Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours at this most STRESSFUL time. Looking forward to hearing the good news of your remarkable recovery in the next few days.
Stuart and Patti
Hi Jim,
Best of luck on Monday, we'll all be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts and prayers your way. And of course waiting with baited breath for Nathalie's first post-op post :) .

Looking forward to a report on you that all is well. Please try not to worry, just be calm, be with your family and you will be recovering before you know it.

Prayers and hugs coming your way.
What a pleasant surprise!

What a pleasant surprise!

You know, it's not very good for a trial lawyer to be at a loss for words. But every time I log onto this website, I am truly speechless to express my thanks at having been accepted so readily into this loving community.

As everybody no doubt understands (and remembers), I am a tad nervous with only a weekend to go before my AVR. I have spent the last few days busily preparing for the coming leave of absence from my law firm. I know my practice will be in good hands and I am trying hard to minimize the associated stress.

I haven?t been able to log on the last day or two, but I have now read this thread Phyllis thoughtfully started (thank you!) and Nanookyaya?s (my wonderful Nathalie?s) own post and thread to date. Nathalie has been so unbelievably caring and supportive. I do know she is handling her own set of fears and stressors through this ordeal, thanks again to all of you for lending your advice and support. Tonight was our ?date night.? Nathalie has agreed to help shave my chest Sunday, which could be fun, but I don?t see how.

Amanda and I are having a picnic by our favorite climbing tree tomorrow and I?m resolved to tell her the bare, but honest, minimum, without unnecessarily scaring her. After that, we?ll spend the afternoon however she wants.

Now, I need to read all that has gone on over the last two days on vr.com before going to bed. I?ll post again tomorrow (or the next day) before starting up the mountain.

I am truly touched for all your prayers and good thoughts and want to again express to you how fortunate I feel I am.

-- Jim

P.S. I just figured out how to change font and color!
Ah oh, if you figured it out, I'll have to change it. :D

Best of luck Jim and prayers go with you to the OR. If you weren't scared, I'd say you are not human. Tell you something else, if you ever have to do it again, it's just as scary then too! You should be fine, though hurting for a while.

Hope your girlfriend will post on your behalf while your in. We do like to keep tabs on everyone. Were fussy that way. :)
Looking forward to all great posts during your recovery- maybe in "sunny" yellow!
Jim -

QUICK, before you go to the hospital, TELL US,
How do you change the FONT and COLOR?

As you can see the only way I know to show emphasis is the use CAPITALS :D

'AL Capshaw'
Al, I never used it before or nor have I seen it used, but look at the boxes above where you are writing your message. Font, size and color. If you want to change just one part of your script, highlight it and then select font, size or color. Tricky, but fun!
Hey, thanks Jim! I didn't know we could even do color!

[size=+4]I hope your surgery and recovery go smoothly.[/size]

All the best,

P. J.

Ross said:
Hope your girlfriend will post on your behalf while your in. We do like to keep tabs on everyone. Were fussy that way. :)

We're fussy that way????

Let's be honest, Ross has a nasty little habit of sending out The Hounds if we haven't heard from someone. So if you're laying in your hosptital bed, happily engrossed in your incentive spirometer, and hear some slobbery-sounding growling - send Nathalie quickly to the nearest computer.

Again, best wishes and many prayers.

(This is Ross's hound Fluffy. He's the gentle one.)
Good Luck

Good Luck

Hope everything goes as smooth and easy as mine did. You know your girlfriend better than anyone, but don't try to sugarcoat the situation. My wife said that is the most terrified she has been in her life. We covered every base beforehand and I think that helped both of us. I was scared but totally at peace with the situation and ready to get things over.
Wishing you the best and a speedy uneventful recovery.
God Bless,
Good Luck and God Bless.
We'll see you on the other side of this.
Thanks Jim!

[SIZE=3]I will keep you in my prayers for a successful surgery and complete recovery! I might even pray in technicolor now.[/SIZE][COLOR=DarkSlateGray]In seriousness, you will be in my heart and prayers.[/COLOR]

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