What a pleasant surprise!
What a pleasant surprise!
You know, it's not very good for a trial lawyer to be at a loss for words. But every time I log onto this website, I am truly speechless to express my thanks at having been accepted so readily into this loving community.
As everybody no doubt understands (and remembers), I am a tad nervous with only a weekend to go before my AVR. I have spent the last few days busily preparing for the coming leave of absence from my law firm. I know my practice will be in good hands and I am trying hard to minimize the associated stress.
I haven?t been able to log on the last day or two, but I have now read this thread Phyllis thoughtfully started (thank you!) and Nanookyaya?s (my wonderful Nathalie?s) own post and thread to date. Nathalie has been so unbelievably caring and supportive. I do know she is handling her own set of fears and stressors through this ordeal, thanks again to all of you for lending your advice and support. Tonight was our ?date night.? Nathalie has agreed to help shave my chest Sunday, which could be fun, but I don?t see how.
Amanda and I are having a picnic by our favorite climbing tree tomorrow and I?m resolved to tell her the bare, but honest, minimum, without unnecessarily scaring her. After that, we?ll spend the afternoon however she wants.
Now, I need to read all that has gone on over the last two days on vr.com before going to bed. I?ll post again tomorrow (or the next day) before starting up the mountain.
I am truly touched for all your prayers and good thoughts and want to again express to you how fortunate I feel I am.
-- Jim
P.S. I just figured out how to change font and color!