Jane E's Surgery Went Well!

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Aug 8, 2008
Philadelphia, PA and Cherry Grove, Fire Is. NY
I received this update from Jane's friend Cindy:

Hello All
I just got an update from Jane?s nurse at Abington Memorial Hospital. Her surgery went very well today but she is still in recovery. They were able to repair her aortic valve and patch the ascending aortic aneurism. To do all of that the surgeon had to do a sternotomy. They expect her to be in the hospital for at least 5 to 7 days.
How her heart responds to the surgery today will be critical but they are looking forward to a great recovery. We will have a new Jane with lots of energy in a few months.
I will let you know if I hear anything else.
Keep her in your prayers.
Thanks, Jim, for passing this along. An aortic valve repair and an aorta patch is great news!
Update on Jane's recvovery from her friend Cindy...

I talked to Jane today and she is happy that they were able to repair her valve and patch the aorta. She is doing OK, except for a continuing headache and some nausea. It took her an unusually long time to come out of the anesthesia yesterday but she had a pretty good day today. She was up and walking a little and hopes to be transferred to the regular cardiac unit tomorrow or Sunday. There is no phone in her room so no calls and she prefers no visitors for now.

If you want to send a card the address is:
Jane Pigott
Room T340
Abington Memorial Hospital
1200 Old York Rd
Abington PA 19001
No flowers or latex balloons are allowed.

I am sure that she will appreciate wishes for a speedy recovery.

Huh? What's that all about.

I dunno...but personally I HATE the ballons. You would be amazed how many of them wash up on the beach out here every single day. I am forever picking them up. I have also read that they are injurious to sea creatures.

Here's the latest on Jane from her friend Cindy:

Jane was progressing very well on Saturday until they decided to remove some of the drainage tubes. Apparently that caused a partial collapse of one of her lungs so she is back on oxygen and will remain in the ICU for at least another day.

Jane says that they are short staffed this weekend and she is not happy with the quality of her current nursing care. Things should get better tomorrow- weekends are not the best time to be in the hospital.

Since her main complaint is that she wants a shower and to wash her hair, it sounds like she is doing pretty well in spite of this setback. I will let you know when she is out of ICU and ready for visitors.

Keep the cards and well wishes flowing.
Good thoughts and energy coming her way....tell her to just relax and enjoy all these healing thoughts flowing to her.

She's doing better than I did....I was in the hospital for 10 days and could have cared less if I got my hair washed or even showered. I was too tired to even really want to do it...I walked often because I knew it would really help and then spent the rest of the time sleeping, letting the vampires draw blood on what seemed like a hourly basis and watching TV (actually a decoy for sleeping).

Everybody pitch in and take good care of her and soon this will all be over.

Sounds good! This is the latest on Jane from her friend Cindy:

When I talked to Jane yesterday she was doing much better, her lungs responded to the treatment and they moved her to a different wing. She was up and walking in the morning and really liked her new nurse.
They are scheduled to take the wires off of her heart today. Once she can wash her hair, I am sure that she will feel much better. She is hoping to go home on Wednesday, we will see...
Great news. I hope she continues to do well. I have not had surgery for my BAV yet, I hope a repair is an option for me too. thanks for the updates.
Last group update and really good news!

Jane finally got her shower yesterday and is being discharged sometime today!
I just talked to her and she said that the best way to communicate would be through email. She will have her cell phone this afternoon but she was winded by just changing into street clothes and doesn’t want to talk too much. If you email her she can answer when she is rested and it will give her something to do.
Hurray, she survived the hospital ordeal and is now on the road to recovery and rejuvenation. I will be with her from Thursday until Monday then she is on her own.
This is my last group email.

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