James Garner

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Well-known member
Jun 10, 2001
McLean, VA
Last night A&E had a biography of James Garner who Alice and I have always loved. We never missed Maverick or Rockford Files. The show told us a whole lot about him we never knew. Born into an impoverished Okie family, mother dies when he was three, had a wicked sadistic stepmother, wounded in Korean war combat, and more. But very interesting to us was the fact that Garner now aged 74 had to quit TV at at age 60 with heart problems. They first did a quadruple by pass and when he recovered from that they did an aortic root and I think valve replacement. Now he's chief justice of the supreme court and looks wonderful. Is heart surgery a great thing or what!
jimmy garner

jimmy garner

I'm so astonished when famous folk have 'our 'ops....
....They become real pinups for me, because I understand, and they understand the experience.
Arnold Shwarzeneger too, Its great to see pepole publicly doing well after heart op,,,,even more so, if they decide to put that understanding into more obvious public service.Good Luck to them and their families...
love debs xxx
Hey Marty,

The next time you see James Garner or Arnold or Kate Jackson (?), ask them to join in our group.

Thanks for passing this on.



I kept up with james when he had the bypass twenty years ago and he also had to quit tv because he had so many break and stuff from doing his own stunts on his shows. He is doing great as a chief justice. No hard physical workout for him. Bless james soul for coming so far and done such good for everyone. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve
James Garner is a cool guy. I have always loved Rockford Files, too. He was great in that movie "Space Cowboys" if you haven't seen it is a good rental, and fun flick for a Friday night.

Arnold is a bonehead. I mean it's cool he had the Ross, but he had two because he blew out the first one.

The guy who played Artemis Gordon on the original "Wild, Wild West" had aortic stenosis. Unfortunately, I think that was what he died from. Sad. But, that was "back in the day" and he waited a long while before getting help.
Hi you all,

My husband and I are also great fans of James Garner. It was nice to read some of his back ground. We had heard he had bypass surgery a few years ago, but did not know he is doing so well and is now Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Which state and what city is he the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? Can someone answer that for us please?

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St.Jude's Mechanical
To Christina re: James Garner

To Christina re: James Garner

Hi Christina, James Garner in real life is not a lawyer or a judge. I don't think he graduated from college. He went into the army and came out a badly wounded veteran of the Korean conflict. My reference to his being a Supreme Court Chief Justice was tongue in cheek because James is playing that part in a new TV series called First Monday on CBS Friday 8 PM EST. Let us know what you think of the show!
Thanks for that info. I was never going to challenge the Supreme Ct thing, but just couldn't believe it as I, too, have followed James Garner's career and never saw an inkling of any lawyerliness. Have been watching too much CNN last few mos I guess and just can't get into the new shows, but weill hunt for it as I really like his acting. I just gotta get a life!
Marty you're a trickster, getting everyone all riled up. Although I knew he was doing that supreme court show. Let's see if it's really like the supreme court and the clerks do all the work while the justices relax and get their vacations paid for by law schools that want them to come and speak!
Hi Matxr,

Thanks for the trick! LOL!! Sorry, but I never watch regular TV so wouldn't know anything about the show James is in. But am glad to know he's doing so well after his heart surgery. I sure like him and wouldn't want anything bad to happen to him.

Aw you mean Jimmy Garner really isn't a supreme court judge?Shame.
I am so naive I believe everything I see on telly;
I suppose Clint Eastwood's got nothing to do with politics either. And hey what about that George Bush guy is he faking too? LOL

There's a certain wry turn of phrase that email simply cannot accomodate!
this was a good joke for me!!! and made me giggle...thanks
love debs xxx
Pull the plug?

Pull the plug?

We saw James last night on First Monday CBS 9:00 PM EST as he and the associate supreme court justices were wrestling with a wifes right to pull the plug on her hubby who was in coma for a long time. James was against it but his side lost 5 to 4. He looked great and did a great job but he limps a little now. I wonder if he has had a recent hip replacement. Since he played a lot of football Alice thought he just might have arthritis.