Its Solomon's turn

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He has a dr appt today, I am worried about him, he has 2 knots right under his fur, one under a leg and one on his side.
When he lays in bed he kind of groans.
He is 12 years old and my big baby, he also seems to be trying to dock his own tail!! :eek: He is allergic to fleas, and will just knaw, and so far none of his meds are helping,so off he goes at 10 am.
Thankyou for listening ,Love Yaps
Yaps.....Solomon will be in my prayers and thoughts

Yaps.....Solomon will be in my prayers and thoughts

I know what it's like having a pet that you absolutely love and adore get sick and it's NOT EASY.....I will be thinking of Solomon as he goes to the Dr. and will be praying that it's something minor. Harrybaby:eek: :eek:

I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that Solomon is ok. Our daughter went through a similar thing two weeks ago with their oldest dog--Jack. I can't remember the diagnosis, but it turned out to be benign. Hopefully Solomon will come through with flying colors.:)
I've had several friends whose older dogs have had benign tumors or cysts; hopefully that's what's up with Solomon. Best wishes.
Our cocker had benign fatty cysts under her skin for the last 4 or 5 years of her life. I hope that's what it is with Soloman. Best wishes!
Hi Yaps

Don't get crazy about the lumps yet.....many older dogs get lipomas under the skin and they're absolutely they move around under there? If so, they're probably lipomas.....if not....well, wait and see.

For the fleas, why don't you put him on a monthly dose of Frontline Plus.....then clean your house thoroughly and spray it and wash all his bed stuff in hot water.....Our girls are all on Frontline it works the best I've found.


is he chewing his tail? If it's at the base of it, it's definitely fleas.
Well doc thinks its fatty lymphoma, he hasnt any fleas just allergies, so he is on a cortisone spray and benedryl. Dr Dykes said he had an awesome coat, that he is fine. Weight is 72.3 lbs.
I am to keep an eye on his lumps if they change then they must be removed. Dr Dykes dosent want to operate , or really just no anesthia, due to Sol's age.
Thankyou all for caring, as he is my the pup
Glad to hear that Solomon

Glad to hear that Solomon

will be okay. We have a 17-year-old (yes 17!!) bichon that we rescued three years ago that has about four benign cysts on his little body. One just ruptured and Wayne yelled at me to tell me that "Come quick! Stanley is bleeding from his chest!!" Sheesh, nothing like a statement like that to get you running. Anyway, one of the cysts broke open.

It is just as rough to see animals go through old age and suffering as it is people. Although I think that animals have an innate sense that all will be okay when they cross over.

Christina L

Did the DR. say fatty lymphoma or lipoma.....there's a huggggeeeee difference. Lipoma is benign while lymphoma certainly isn't.

give that boy a big hug and a kiss.....and maybe a pupper treat tonight.

Solomon is one big dog!:)
I've got granddogs that weigh 65lb, 58 lb, and 55lb, but that's not 72!
EVELYN said:

Did the DR. say fatty lymphoma or lipoma.....there's a huggggeeeee difference. Lipoma is benign while lymphoma certainly isn't.

give that boy a big hug and a kiss.....and maybe a pupper treat tonight.

He wasnt sure, wants me to watch and if there is a change in size , we must remove them.The one on his side concerned him.
He hopes he dosent have to put him under , he worries due to his age that he may not wake...:( ..otherwise he is fine. Its a hotspot that he is knawing on ,midtail region. He loved his coat , said it was awesome(thick, he sheds a
chihuahua daily :p ), I am just selfish and want him here with me Yaps

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