It's postponed due to woman problems

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I never had any girly problems my entire life, but for about 5 years before menopause actually hit, I had a couple of episodes of heavy, and I mean really heavy, bleeding. I woke up in the middle of the night once, covered in blood from my breasts to my knees. I remember that incident particularly well because I had just put new sheets on the bed! Menopause itself was a huge non-event for me. I just stopped haveing periods and that was that.

However, having said that, as a mechanical valver, I would get any other surgery or even major testing out of the way before valve work, in order to avoid the whole bridging issue. Even thought you are aiming for a repair, it may not be possible once the surgeon gets in there, and you could end up on plan B.

Anyway, hope things work out for you every which way!
Good advice. My surgeon, cardio and I all thought there was a good chance for repair but it didn't happen. My surgeon tried hard to save my valve but in the end knew it would not be a good repair. In all honesty, my biggest nightmare (which I expressed to all my docs) was a failed repair. I was a bit relieved when I woke and learned I had a tissue replacement. He knew that was my choice if Plan A did not work. They never can know for sure if repair is possible until they get in there.
It looks some weird shaped fibroid that is invading my cervix. So now I am having the hysterectomy before the MVR.I am hoping for laprascopic at Brigham & womans where they have a team that does them. A Dr. colser to me does them as well but the wait is longer. I am kicking my self for not going to th eGYN in September like I should have. I was trying to get thru the heart stuff first. Bad idea.
I'm sure you will be in good hands at Brigham and wish you a good result and easy recovery so that you can then address the MVR. Best Wishes!
Good luck, Louanne. Let us know when you'll be having the GYN surgery. Brigham is a great hospital. You'll have wonderful care there, I am sure you know.

I spoke with my nephew earlier this evening and he's doing great after having CABG surgery at Brigham last November. Got excellent care.