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Well-known member
Jun 3, 2006
Waterdown, Ontario Canada
...I am a member of the unemployed population.

I was provided with my formal notice of severance today and after 21 years and 5 months with the company, I cleaned out my desk and left the building.

Although I knew this was coming it felt so weird. Officially my last day is Oct 31st but they figured once I was delivered the package I might as well leave and not come back so I got an extra day and a half off :D . Heather took the rest of the day off and we decided to meet and go to a nice bisto restaurant to chill out. We're telling the kids tonight.

As much as I was prepared for this, as I've known this was coming since June, it just feels so donned on Heather and I during lunch that I've been with the company over a year longer than we've been married. Actually, the severence package was pretty good, so I can't complain in that regard. And I am even eligible to apply for any jobs that come up as an "internal" candidate for the next 76 weeks. It just feels so strange not having to get up and go to work tomorrow as I have worked continuously for over 30 years.....and potentially never going back there with the people I've worked with for so long. I was feeling a bit emotional so I left quietly after cleaning out my desk. I feel bad about that but hopefully people will understand. Those I'm really close to we socialize with so I'll be connecting with them anyway. Other are just acquaintances, but long time ones. I know others have left "suddenly" under similar circumstances and it's been understood. To be honest, I think there's more to come as the last few weeks there's been a lot of talk about expense control/reduction.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll be fine in the long run (especially thanks to your encouragement in the past), but it'll probably take a few days to digest this before I can move on. I just had to vent a bit. Thanks for listening.
you have been talking about it for awhile, but when that axe falls, I am sure it finallly hits home as a surprise. I am so sorry that after so many years you have only one day's notice. They could have been kinder. It's good that you will have a cushion that will help you get on for awhile and pray that you will find a new avenue. Hopefully, like they say, a closing door opens another door. Thoughts are with you tonight......... and tomorrow ........ and...
Wayne....I know how you feel, been there. I was escorted out after my company finished the printed circuit board design for the first Pentium processors. The package was good but nothing helps that feeling of loss and betrayal.

Be open to things you never imagined. As an electrical engineering graduate I assumed I was limited to that same type of work. I went to work (part-time) 2 weeks later for an automotive company helping with website and IT stuff. I ended up selling cars, becoming a finance manager, general manager and back to sales (by choice). This business has been good to me and I have more fun than I ever had calculating parasitic cross talk on circuit traces. I'm not saying put on a plaid:D suit and sell cars but be open. If someone had suggested that I would do well in the car business I would have asked them to pass me some of that stuff they were smoking.:cool: If they walk me out of here maybe I will take up heart surgery.:p

It will all work out..................Tom

HI Wayne.....sorry your having to go through this, it cant be easy. It will be a big adjustment for you, but Im SURE you are up to it. Thoughts are with you for lots of good things to come for you. :cool:
So sorry this has come to pass, Wayne, but as others have said, this may open a better and brighter future. I look forward to hearing about the new opportunities after you have taken some time to digest this.
Hey Wayne,
Man, are you gonna be lost for a few days......that's okay, keep real busy, even if it is doing house repairs, chores, or volunteer activities.
Last year my hubby was laid off after 26 years with Air Canada. Yes, he had full severance pay for 14 months and a great retirement plan, but it was an incredible feeling of loss for him. Several of his Manager buddies were dumped at the same time, because it was much too costly for the airline to keep these managers with the big fat pensions to feed.
So, now he is in charge of IT for a smaller, family owned manufacturer. He loves it!!
Keep your head up Wayne, you will be just fine....and probably even happier.:)
Hi Wayne,

This is so sad.........more like heart breaking (excuse the pun).

Give yourself a couple weeks, relax and then turn the page.

Keep your head up mate, things will work out
I know it's going to be an adjustment, but you'll adjust. You've got a great family and a good severance package to make the transition easier.
Add to that the 1627 VR members you've got for friends and companionship . . . . what more could you ask for?:p
Wishing you the very best,

Along with all your other friends here, I wish you the best as you make the adjustment. I know it is not easy, but I am betting you will land on your feet, and take off sprinting.
Wayne - so sorry. I been there twice. Not at all fun. Hang in there, in time another door will open. Just know others have been there and survived, and you will too.
Hey Wayne

Sorry to hear about your job finishing. You have a great, positive attitude though which shows through in every post you make and I know that things WILL start looking up for you very soon.

I am sorry you lost your job Wayne...

I am sorry you lost your job Wayne...

I agree with all the others that there are bigger and brighter things out there for you. Here's wishing you nothing but success for the future. Harrybaby:eek: :eek:
WayneGM said:
Although I knew this was coming it felt so weird.

I know that feeling all too well because that's how I felt when I was layed off due to the Sears/Kmart "merger" a few years ago.

Wishing you the best....

Cort:34swm."Mr Monte Carlo.Mr Road Trip".pig valve.pacemaker =
"You better not try to stand in my way" ... J Paycheck ... 'Take This Job & Shove It'
So sorry this has haappened to you, as Ann said "when one door closes another door opens".
My husband was made redundant after the stock market crash in the 90's and I'll never forget the look on his face when he walked in the door at 11am announcing he didn't have a job.
Now more than a decade later he would be the first to admit that it was the best thing to ever happen to him, and I'm sure you will look back and think the same.
Thanks everyone for your kind words of encouragement. I woke up at my usual time by force of habbit. It sure felt strange not rushing out to catch the train this morning. Anyway, in a strange way I'm starting to get excited about the prospect of doing something new...I guess I am kind of torn between clinging to the past and embracing the future. It's strange feeling. My neighbour says it sounds like his divorce :D

Short term I'm going to take my time and look for the "right" opportunity, and not just jump at the first one that comes along. (My neighbour said that also sounded much like his divorce :D )

The company does provide outplacement support so the consultant is supposed to call in the next week or so to set up a meeting. They apparently help me with making the personal transition and provide help with constructing an external resume and other job hunting tips.

I am ready for this, and optimistic things will work out for the better. I'm just feeling a bit lost it's all so new. So much to think about. Again, thanks for your friendship and support.

Hang in there -- you can make this into whatever you want it to be. Some folks prefer to host a pity party, others just get on with it. I've been there, too, a couple of times. My approach was to make my "new" job that of finding meaningful employment. My most successful program was the one where I took the skills I gained after many years with a Fortune 500 corporation and sold the managing partner of a regional accounting/consulting firm on the fact that he needed a consultant like myself in their practice. Not only did I garner a pay increase, but I put many years of experience onto my resume. The consulting thing worked well, as I was able to choose my next employer from among my consulting clients, and I knew everyone and knew the situation before I even started that next new job. My present employer (for the past 8 years) is a former consulting client, too.

As the others have said, think outside the usual paradigm. Be open to possibilities. Above all, keep your emotions under control and keep your spirits up. It all works out for the better in the end.

Sorry to hear about the layoff. Like others on this site, I have changed ?careers? several times -- some voluntary and some as you experienced. Your good attitude and enthusiasm will get you through this -- probably to a better situation than you were in before.

I tend to view a job change as a switch in the railroad track. You are barreling along, slow down for the switch and then continue along full-speed in a new direction, not worrying about what the scenery would have looked like on the old track.

The good part is that you make the decisions about what to do next -- it will not be dictated to you by your boss or other management weenie. If you have a good severance package, take your time and do the search slowly and creatively. Or, alternatively, enjoy your free time for awhile. Maybe a vacation trip would be good!

Best wishes,
New Life

New Life

Wayne, I can imagine how you must feel, I've been with my current employer a long time too. I'd like to leave them now, but am not aware of many options. We shall see. I hope we both find satisfying work to give us new career lives! Brian