Having survived one winter in Alaska just North of Fairbanks y'all can keep ALL that cold stuff WAY UP THERE. Our remote radar site sat on top of a hill above the tree line. One night we had to work all night trying to keep our roads open and the 4 mile above ground heated water line from freezing. It dropped down to -45F air temp with a wind chill of -110F. That is much too cold for this old Georgia Boy.
I remember when I arrived in July, the fellow that picked me up at the airport took me into Fairbanks before we went to the radar site. I noticed that just about every parking place in town had what I thought was a parking meter, EVEN THE LOCAL MCDONALDS!!! I thought to myself that they sure were a greedy bunch charging for all that parking. I was told they weren't parking meters but electrical outlets for the vehicles during the winter. He said if you didn't plug in right after parking, you were not going to start the truck when you got ready to leave. He laughed and said once the vehicle froze up the only way you were going to start it was have it towed to an heated indoor garage or WAIT UNTIL SPRING!!!!!!
By the way, it is supposed to be in the high 70s/low 80sF here this week-end.

May God Bless,
Having survived one winter in Alaska just North of Fairbanks y'all can keep ALL that cold stuff WAY UP THERE. Our remote radar site sat on top of a hill above the tree line. One night we had to work all night trying to keep our roads open and the 4 mile above ground heated water line from freezing. It dropped down to -45F air temp with a wind chill of -110F. That is much too cold for this old Georgia Boy.
I remember when I arrived in July, the fellow that picked me up at the airport took me into Fairbanks before we went to the radar site. I noticed that just about every parking place in town had what I thought was a parking meter, EVEN THE LOCAL MCDONALDS!!! I thought to myself that they sure were a greedy bunch charging for all that parking. I was told they weren't parking meters but electrical outlets for the vehicles during the winter. He said if you didn't plug in right after parking, you were not going to start the truck when you got ready to leave. He laughed and said once the vehicle froze up the only way you were going to start it was have it towed to an heated indoor garage or WAIT UNTIL SPRING!!!!!!
By the way, it is supposed to be in the high 70s/low 80sF here this week-end.
May God Bless,