It's A Girl!!!

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2005
I live in Denver NC
Our daughter and son-in-law just called and they are having a girl! Our two and a half year old grandson will be a big brother to a little sister. The baby is due May 31st. She will be the first granddaughter on both sides. The 22 week ultrasound looked good. Saw all four chambers of the heart and it was beating well. And her size is right on target. Just had to share the news! LINDA
Ross, I will try to post some pictures. I need to get my husband to help me as I am so computer illiterate. I am just down right stupid when it comes to these technical things. LINDA

My sister is due May 30th with a little boy. He will be the family's first grand and even great-grand baby. We're all over the moon, as I'm sure your whole family is. I can't wait to spoil this little boy to no end. I've already started buying up tons of books to read to him. I can't wait (though I hope he comes a tiny bit late so I'll be out of school and can go down to visit right away ;) ).
Congrats Linda

Congrats Linda

Our daughter was the first girl baby born in over a hundred years..on my Hubby's side of family.:D So, everyone thought she was going to be a boy. Before ultrasounds.....
We thought too. until she hit the air and turned into a girl:p I even told my Hubby sorry..when I was out under the drugs....38 years later, they just got off the phone chatting...He is still smiten with her after all these years..:) .they talk most everyday..and will keep me in the dark.about what they talk about.:mad: :p Just Father/daughter....Bonnie