It's a Boy!

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Allow me to introduce ...

Born July 23, 2003 at 3:30 am
7 pounds, 21 inches

Mom and baby are recovering at home after three days in the hospital. (I'll post a pic when I have more time).

The labor started off with high drama -- the contractions came fast -- every minute and a half -- and the anastheologist kept administering epephedrine (sp?) be/c my BP kept dropping below 80/40. (Anyone else have this experience or know what this med is?)

Besides the nurse asking me for my Living Will and whether or not I was an organ donor while I was going into shock, , (yeah, this made me feel real confident), everything went OK.

The end result is a beautiful, perfectly healthy baby boy with a full head of dark hair!

I want to thank you for your good wishes earlier. I will keep in touch and wish you the best.

With joy,

Hey Kim,
Congratulations, can't wait to see the pictures. It is Great to hear Good News. Take Care and Enjoy!

Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Hi Kim! I'm sorry I wasn't here to welcome you earlier, but congratulations on your baby! I found out about my heart problems when I was between 19-20 weeks pregnant with my son(now 2 years old and healthy). It is hard to be pregnant let alone have a high risk pregnancy...

I had a c-section because my doctor was worried about the strain on my heart, and during my c section, I had a tubal ligation. You can read my personal story in the personal stories section.

I just wanted to congratulate you on your baby boy, and enjoy him...they grow up so fast!
Hi, again.

I've attached a photo, let me know if you have any problems opening it -- this is the first time I've tried attaching a file.

Hurray for babies

Hurray for babies

Kim, congratulations and best luck and hurry and email the pic to Ross so we can see. I'm so glad delivery went well and you and Coulson (neat name) are feeling good.
Congratulations Kim!

Congratulations Kim!

What a sweetheart!!

I haven't read your posts before, (I don't come around real often anymore), but I'm guessing you found out about your heart problems during your pregnancy??

I'm so glad everything turned out so wonderfully! It must have been really scary to go through, but you've got a real cutie there.
Have fun with him!
Betty, I will bet you are right - it wasn't there. I once posted a really neat thing, Ross commented on it and next time I went in it was gone - in a puff-like. never did come back.


You have a beautiful son. It is at these moments I see the true miracles of God. Enjoy your blessings. Peg
THANKS for the warm comments and sorry about the photo! Ross said he?ll fix it.

Yesterday my doctor said, "See? You didn't have a heart attack or stroke and the baby is fine." I didn't laugh. What a relief.

I was physically and emotionally stressed to the MAX during the latter half of the pregnancy. Frankly, I never felt worse in my life. The insufficiency progressed to a degree where I became severely symptomatic. I was anemic, developed superficial blood clots in my legs and felt more fatigued than I ever have. I couldn?t breath, especially at night. (Perhaps you know how I felt?) My doctor(s) put me on bed rest, Toprol and baby aspirin. All of this was hard to handle ? I?m very active at 36 with no other health problems.

And then Bang! The baby arrived early and almost immediately, I began to feel better. I asked my doctor how this could be. How can the heart begin to fail and then recover? He said it?s a miracle that all pregnant women don?t have heart attacks by the end. Once again, I didn't laugh.

At one point during the pregnancy I became angry. I wanted my life back. I learned the hard way that you cannot let disease control your life; you have to focus elsewhere, towards more fulfilling things like personal relationships or a higher power. Don?t LET disease take you down. Once I had this epiphany, I started feeling stronger and more able to cope. But it was painful, and no one could help me get there except myself and God.

The experience has transformed my perspective. (Sound familiar?) I?m contemplating how I may be able to help those who content with chronic, debilitating illnesses. I?ve thought about becoming a "health advocate." I live in a retirement community and could focus my energy and talent on helping people with insurance problems, etc. (If you have any ideas, please send me a private PM).

I had another echo/stress test today and am waiting on the results. Hopefully, I can put this chapter behind me for awhile ? say, 15 years or forever. You know how it feels to have such a serious health issue hanging over your head ?

It?s truly a miracle that my son is fine. He and I are health warriors, and I will always feel a special bond with him because of it.

Thanks for listening.

God bless ?

Kim - if you are serious......

the older generation needs the help of the younger generation and if you can give aid to those in the retirement community I know they would appreciate it. I, too, have reached the golden age and I am thankful every day for my years in the work force and the education I gleaned from being there. It serves me well every single day. Many of my generation, especially women, did not join the work force and don't know much about the 'real world' and find it shocking to suddenly have to deal with it without enough knowledge to handle it, particularly with all the modern technical advances that the younger folk take for granted. They are truly at a disadvantage.

Good luck in whatever you decide to do, but I speck you will be very tied up in the bringing up of baby for awhile, anyhow.

Love, Ann

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