she was drinking water to excess! And of course, with all that water she is drinking, she has to pee constantly Her appetite is still very good, in fact, she'll gorge if I'm not careful.
what in the world am I going to do when we go to Houston next month for my checkup? My neighbor usually feeds & watches them for me, but I know she wouldn't feel comfortable having to give her the injections.
She has the classic symptoms..polyuria,polydipsia and polyphagia. I'm glad
its something that can be managed and that you were watching her and took
quick action.
Regarding your checkup,I once babysat 2 cats for a week,one of which was a
diabetic and needed an injection. I find it easier to give a cat an injection
than to try and make them swallow a pill. But then I have given injections
before,so my neighbor capitalized on this. In your situation I agree with
Kim,to leave her at the vet's for a couple days. I hate to kennel my pets
myself,but we can only do our best for our friends.
Wishing you both well-Dina