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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
I noticed a bruise and small knot under my skin a few days ago ... it is at the top left of my incision ... It is not really painful but is getting bigger not smaller .... I have been lifting more weight lately and wonder if I my have popped a wire or whatever ... it seems odd since my AVR was over three years ago... I go for INR Friday but do not know if I will be able to see the cardio ... DW is concerned and wants me to get it checked ... I have had some odd sensation (topical) that I think are related ... whatever this is may be pushing on some nerves .... could it be an abscess of a wire/ cord this long after surgery ... I suspect it is unrelated..... weird
Sorry to hear about this Cooker but agree with your wife you should have it checked out.

Can you get in to see your PCP if not your cardio?

Good luck.
I think you should get it checked with the doctor, PCP would be a better option. If not that, you can go to any online site and share your symptoms with the doctor, he/she may be able to suggest if its good time to go to the doctor.
I'm having trouble with sympathy because I'm picturing you lifting weights! (pant, pant!)

My wires got worse over time, so it could be that. Or it could be a vein. Or a hickey! If it's not looking better tomorrow, I'd make an appointment.
Sounds like you have two choices. Let your doc check it out or take matters into your own hands, lance it, and see what comes out. Personally I'd see the doc. ::D
You know that I don't know the answer to your question, but nevertheless I hope you can find out what it is easily and get it resolved. Listen to your wife is probably good advice. ;)
Holy Crap, 7000 posts and counting, don't you dare stop Cooker. I love every thread and post you've made. :)

Now about this thingy by your incision and you say it's getting bigger. :eek: Don't wait any longer, if it's not a hickey go see the doc. You have to get to the bottom of this and you know you should. So, GO.

Let us know what you find out.

Cooker quit monkeying around and listen to your wife and
everyone here check it out.:) SOON!!!! and congats on your posts
Now go get looked after,we'll wait here for update;)cus we worry.

zipper2 (DEB)
Cooker, its been three years for me this month and I still get weird
pains on the top of my incision when I turn different positions. But I would get it checked out if it bothers you and is causing problems with numbness.
What did you ever decide with your knee?
You better give up swinging in trees for awhile or at least til you get it cked out.
Keep us updated on what's going on. Hope you get some answers soon.

Crystal :)
The top 3 wires have come undone on my sterum, i have 3 little lumps where they have come undone, its very sore to touch, i can you also feel the wires moving about, I am having all the wires removed in August.
I would get it checked it out, then your wife will be happy and it will put your mind at rest.
Take Care hope you get it sorted.
Yes, I agree you should get it checked out. I am curious to know what the dr. says. It will be two years since my last surgery in Aug., but I still get pain in my sternum when lifting weights and I've wondered why.. I also have a spot that is sore to touch at the very top, I thought when I pressed on it that I was feeling a staple, but my brother is an orthopedic surgeon and says it's not. He actually doesn't know what it is.
Hope everything is OK.