Is anyone out there as pumpheaded ans I am?

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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
I was wondering, I am SO pumpheaded, STILL! Not that I mind, but my head is always cloudy. I lost my glasses for a WEEK! I lose my train of thought all the time. In one way it's amusing, but it gets kinda weird after a while! Anyways, I'd just thought I would ask and see if anybody else has any amusing stories to tell?
Janie lost her spot once, but I think she eventually found it!

My brother has Parkinson's and we tell each other to 'remind me', then neither one of us can remember - not even what it was we were sposed to recall.
Forget? What?

Forget? What?

Joy, I was age 62 June10th so I call them "Senior Moments"
Where am I?
Where was I going?
What was I doing?
Pumpheaded--It's sure is possible.
The part I hate is sitting to type something and completely forgetting what I was about to type. :eek:
Jes' call me PH

Jes' call me PH

Pumpheaded? You'd think in this year of 1999 that people wouldn't .....what? It is? Oh.

One thing that always amuses me is when I am talking to someone, lose my train of thought and then forget what I was saying! It's kinda bad when you are TRYING to look intelligent and that happens!
Hank Did you forget?

Hank Did you forget?

Hank has had a picture of me for 2 weeks he was going to scan..Did you forget Hank???..Me, Bonnie AKA Granbonny...Please don't remove my hair if you do..:) Grin Bonnie
Pumphead? Heck Yah. And that ain't no good fer a lawyer, let me tell you.
I was taking a drug called peracitam that seemed to help, but it could have just been the placebo effect.
But, hey I can actually concentrate these days on something that is not a t.v. game show!
Maybe it gets better.
The guniea pig will be John, he was on the longest of anyone so far. If he beats the pump head, then there is hope for us all.
Pump Head moment

Pump Head moment

Hi Joy,

I posted on the "Heart Talk" forum about a poll on "time on pump"...I meant to post it about a pumphead..yikes...see what happens...grin! I never know if it's the 'pump' or 'senior moments' or both!!!! You sure are not alone in this..grrr

Zipper *~*
Hi girl!! Gotta tell you one. I bought my folks a new schnauzer puppy. It is SO hyper..... so they rolled up a small newspaper, and they smack her on the butt with it when she bites. (All the time.) Well, she was on my lap and I just had a pacer put in. She jumped up on my left shoulder, YOUCH so I took the paper and instead of smackin her, I smacked my own leg. duh......

I thought they were gonna fall outta their chairs!! Dad says "daugher, it would be much more effective if you hit HER". I told him Ozzy Osbourne had nothing on me. Sheesh, I could make millions if they filmed me around my own house. Trying to remember which way is hot and which way cold on my shower. I put detergent in my dryer, instead of the washer. Backed outta the garage without opening the door (automatic). Its everyday all day. Now I just laugh at myself. Course, I havent burned the house down yet either. Probly quit laffin then. Hang in!