Today I met with surgeon number 3. I am pretty sure my mind is made up as to who I will go with. However, the surgeon I met with today said a lot of things contricdicing what previous surgeons and my cardio have said.
First was the longevity of the tissue valve. He said that even though I am young (25), it should last 10-15 years. He also said that taking coumidin is just as risky as having a second surgery... Is that true..??
First I was set on a tissue vavle, then a mechanical.. now after meeting with this surgeon I dont know what I am going to.
We talking about the anerysum (ascending) which is small ( 3.9 - 4.0 ) He said that its hardly an anerysum and its a stretch to even call it that. He normaly dont even worry about them until they are over 5.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts/coments.
First was the longevity of the tissue valve. He said that even though I am young (25), it should last 10-15 years. He also said that taking coumidin is just as risky as having a second surgery... Is that true..??
First I was set on a tissue vavle, then a mechanical.. now after meeting with this surgeon I dont know what I am going to.
We talking about the anerysum (ascending) which is small ( 3.9 - 4.0 ) He said that its hardly an anerysum and its a stretch to even call it that. He normaly dont even worry about them until they are over 5.
Thanks in advance for any thoughts/coments.