Incredibly stupid bill I received today

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Well-known member
Jun 9, 2001
upstate New York
In today's mail came a bill for a service contract on the furnace.

It was addressed to:

Nancy My last name
My Address
Joe Died
Then the rest of my address

I can't believe a company would send something out like that. I called them, and of course, they apologized and corrected it, said it was a note that belonged in another location on the account.

The idiots are taking over the world!
That was real classy on their part, what idiots !
But it is becoming the way of the world.
So sorry this happened, Nancy. I know my girlfriend got many telemarketer calls for her deceased husband for quite a while after he passed away. It is like a punch in the stomach each time it happens, but this was totally uncalled for- glad you called them on it!
I attribute the demise of "common sense" in the post 'baby boomer generations" to the continual deterioration of the Educational System in our country.

The ONLY way everyone can be "equal" is at the Lowest Common Denominator!

'AL Capshaw'
The Peter Principle is alive and well, isn't it? There's a young woman in my family who is dumber than dirt and she'd have done something like this - and spelled it wrong, to boot.

I am sorry, Nancy. That was just awful of that company and I am glad to know that you called them on it. We wouldn't expect anything else from our red headed Nancy, would we? Give 'em h**l, Nancy.
I believe that the general population is just getting more sloppy and ignorant.
There is no attention to detail, no knowledge of what is proper or not, and no caring about politeness and manners.
Wow Nancy...I am sorry this happened...

Wow Nancy...I am sorry this happened...

You would think that these people would know enough to put notes in their computers in the right areas...NOT in the customer address....

I guess my question is why they would need to know that Joe passed away any way? I mean, when he did pass, I am sure you had to change everything over into your name anyway right? Anyway, ((((((((((((((((((Hugs))))))))))))))) from Harrybaby:eek: :D :eek: :D
With theses damn computers taking over the world people skills are evaporating:mad: :mad: :mad: Kids can't make change at the grocer or fast food joints. I tell ya the world is going to hell.

Of course I only use my computer for noble causes:cool: :p :cool:
What aggravates me to no end is parties being told repeatedly that someone has expired and they still keep sending mail to them. My mom has been gone for 10 years and I'm still getting things for her. Dad has been gone for 18 and the samething.

I guess that was their way of changing things over :D with that little note to themselves. It's not the first time that this company has done something stupid. Their sales group is terrific, after that watch out!

Had to call them back after the installation of the new furnace because the pipe that goes through the cellar wall had about 6" of play in it, I could move it in and out of the wall. They never put a flange on it or stabilized it. Critters could come into the hole. So I had to call them back to correct that, and they wanted to charge me to fix it.


They fixed it and I watched them every step of the way. I even told the person how to do it, I have sort of a construction background. He was going to dismantle the whole pipe to put the round flanges on the pipe. I told him to cut the two flanges (one on the inside and one on the outside), put it around the pipe and glue it with pipe glue. Simple and easy. End of problem.

People need to learn how to think. Their brains are going to mush! :p
This is almost like...

This is almost like...

Ross said:
What aggravates me to no end is parties being told repeatedly that someone has expired and they still keep sending mail to them. My mom has been gone for 10 years and I'm still getting things for her. Dad has been gone for 18 and the samething.

Getting a phone call from a bill collector looking for someone who no longer has my phone number and you try to explain the fact to them, and they JUST DON'T GET IT....THEY KEEP CALLING..AND CALLING....AND CALLING.....What are people thinking of these days? :eek: :eek: :eek: :mad: :mad:


Yikes. Insensitivity wins again. At its root, an operator error - most business apps have a "notes" field tied to each account. This is clearly info meant for that area. Useful to prevent making blunders when talking to you, but obviously backfired badly.

Continuing to remove human thought from the loop is not always a good thing.

Not to make light of your pain, but perhaps one of my favorite quotes is germaine here:

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot- proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning."

Rich Cook
I do see the humor in it. Joe, I'm sure, was looking down at it and laughing and talking about the Peter Principle.

He once had a temp secretary who spent all of her breaks smoking funny cigarettes. She made enormous amounts of errors and was quite the philosopher while high too. He used to tell me the funniest stories about her, especially when she would be typing letters for one rather persnickety engineer who was just appalled. Joe thought that was funny, while totally agreeing with the engineer to his face, or course. Joe was his boss.

I think Joe really enjoyed her silliness, although she got very little done which could be construed as work.
I have just a few words on this one.....LOL

I have just a few words on this one.....LOL

Nancy said:
I do see the humor in it. Joe, I'm sure, was looking down at it and laughing and talking about the Peter Principle.

He once had a temp secretary who spent all of her breaks smoking funny cigarettes. She made enormous amounts of errors and was quite the philosopher while high too. He used to tell me the funniest stories about her, especially when she would be typing letters for one rather persnickety engineer who was just appalled. Joe thought that was funny, while totally agreeing with the engineer to his face, or course. Joe was his boss.

I think Joe really enjoyed her silliness, although she got very little done which could be construed as work.

This is just TOO FUNNY Nancy....Thank you for the laugh, as I really need it right now:D :D :D :D :D Harrybaby:D

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