Well-known member
really fed up with all this! I'm so tired of pushing myself to work. I haven't even had the surgery yet and already getting calls to take care of my portion of cetain bills! If I quit my job I could quailify for medicaid and they pay 100% but I choose to work so Im punished.I have a son to provide for so 40.00 and 60.00 copayments everytime I go to the doctor,not mention medicine is killing me. My sons dad died in a car wreck when he was three,now nine, so I'm all he has and Im pathetic. So wish my kid didnt have a sick mom. He derserves better. I'm done. Probably have to file bankruptcy due to mounting medical bills. So much for a college education when your health sucks!. surgery is going to be in June.just venting can't allow my family nor friends know just how lost I feel.