I'm Off To See The Echo Department

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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2001
On The Hot Seat
Here I go, off to the Echocardiogram. I won't know anything besides what I see on the monitor since I'm only a stupid patient and the tech can't tell me anything about myself. I'll have to wait for the Doctor to see it and give me the stats.

Why do I feel like I'm off to the slaughter house? :(
It'll be a good report...It's your turn! Let us know....
Les AVR '93 / '95
Hi Ross!
I am definately praying that everything will be just fine with your echo. Like Barrett has already said, "It's your turn!" Let us know how it goes.

Take Care!
Hey Ross,
I hope you have a Good Report. We will be praying for you.

Keep your fires small!
Surgery: 4/21/03
Aortic Aneurysm Repair
AVR, with a St. Jude Mechanical
Heart Center of the Rockies
Well I'm bumming for another week. I couldn't see the monitor at all. At least last time, I could. Not this time. I have to wait one week and call the Cardiologist for the results. I plan on getting a copy for myself also.

*Proceeds to waiting room to read magazines*

By the time I get home from Houston you will be ready to run victory laps after your good echo report.

OK, Ross - just keep reading those Reader's Digest and People Magazines from 1994 here in the waiting room. I'm pushing as hard as I can from here to get you a good report :D
We are rooting for you Ross. We not only are hoping for a good report but that you feel good right along with it!

In the meantime, make yourself right at home in our waiting room:) .


I am wishing you all the best today. My prayers are with you. Love Peg
Ross, Just wanted to add my best wishes for a good report. We're all pulling for a good reading. I hate the waiting after an echo and it's usually only an hour or two till I see the doctor. But, I have to admit, My echo tech, Joe has been doing my echos for almost 3 years and he fills me in before I see the doctor. Of course I don't let the doctor know but he's the one who first told me that my tricuspid was leaking again and then it was confirmed by my cardio. He's great and I'm glad to have him. Also very gentle. :) Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Nicole send me your tech!

I asked mine in a roundabout way about my Mitral Valve. She didn't reply right away so I'm sort of wondering. I'm trying to remember how I put it because I caught her totally off balance and she nearly told me straight up.
Ross, Ross, Ross -- Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Now Ross, you know all those lovely nurses and technicians have been trained in a uniform manner by the Great Trainer who sayeth: patients do not need to know, they shall not know, they might sue if they know, and they will certainly be difficult if they know. The secret for ongoing contentment and amusement, is to think up a game to play with the nurses and technicians, that will make them think, or worry, or divulge, or whatever. The important thing is that the results are eventually seen by the Doc, and fed back to you and your eleven million fans. You know all the ladies are worried about ya.Your buddy.
When I went for a kidney CT scan in April, I told the tech that my dr 'thinks I have cancer, but I don't'...he just kinda looked at me like "Yeah, right" Well, when it was over, he said "COME IN HERE AND LOOK AT THIS!". I saw the whole thing right there on the screen - he was freaked, but told me it was a mass, for sure. Well, we know the rest of the story, but I was glad I saw 'the thing' before it was removed. Then I had a hip bone xray since then - afterwards two of them were looking at the xray and discussing it - so I just walked right in there and we ALL discussed it. We decided what it showed and sure nuff when the report arrived at the Dr's office, I already knew! Nice to live in a little place like this..............

But I didn't tell my dr I already knew.
To tell you what she sees on your echo, because she is just a technician, it is called practicing medicine without a licenses. You don't really want to send some poor little cardiology tech to jail do you Ross. Personally I think it is a conspiracy by the doctors so they can charge more money.

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed

Keeping my fingers and toes crossed

Just wanted to add my well wishes and prayers to the pot.
Maybe the Dr will see the report earlier than Wed. and call you with the good news.
Take care,
Well as is my case in many things these days. I am a day late and a dollar short wishing 'ole Ross good luck and smooth readings. Goes without saying that we all want the best for that guy.

As for the magazines in the waiting rooms-they are the only thing that keep me up to speed and "on top of current events"

By the way wasn't it terrible about the Titanic?

Keep after 'em Rossman.

Hey Ross,

Look at it this way, the longer they don't tell you anything, the more likely the results are OK, or at least not life threatening. Let's hope if they saw something 'alarming', they would alert the DR. ASAP, at least in the ideal world.

As Nancy is fond of saying, " Don't think about it " until you hear from the Doc. If you want something to take your mind off your Echo, picture me running to the head when my IVP Prep kicks in. (Yes, I finally saw a real Doctor, a Urologist, and am having some tests done. INR is back in range)

'AL' :eek:

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