I had my mitral valve repaired on July 14th as well in '03.I'll be thinking of you on my anniversary date.PJ829 said:I just wanted to introduce myself. I found out I had a heart murmur about 10 years ago. Since then, it has worsened to mitral valve regurgitation. I have been symptom free for the most part. My cardiologist has been monitoring me with an echo every 6 months. I had a a short episode of rapid heartbeat in November (about 10 minutes); it felt like my heart was just beating hard, not racing though. In April I had the same feeling of a hard heart beat and called an ambulance (per my doctor). I had a heart rate of 206 BPM (50-100 is supposed to be normal). The EMT's gave me a shot of something, in the IV they put in, that brought my heart rate down. Both times it occured, I was relaxing. Anyway, It scared me, so I decided to get a second opinion. I was told I need surgery within the next 3 months. I am scheduled for surgery July 14. I am hoping to have the minimally invasive surgery. I was just wondering if the incision is through the bone. I have been reading through the forums and really appreciate all the information. It makes me more relaxed to have an idea of what to expect.
Minimally invasive (M.I.) is a matter of semantics I suppose. When I asked my surgeon he said he performs a M.I. thru the sternum which left me with a 4"
incision. Said it gives him a better view of valve. It is painful for a couple of weeks especiaaly when they want you to cough to stir your lungs up. I forced myself not to sneeze for a month! I was worried about breathing tube due to the feeling of claustrophobia but that came out in the evening and I was so drugged up it never bothered me. The worst part for me was the thirst. They don't want you to drink a lot and I was sooooo thirsty. All in all it's not an easy thing to go through but each day post-op gets a little better and you'll make it fine. I do every thing I did before surgery without limitations.GOOD LUCK.