Okay insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.......THAT'S ME!! I know I know you probably are saying to yourself "oh great it's Hayley again" but I need your help again. I am so ready to just go ahead and take total control of my warafin therapy. I am not going to argue with Joseph anymore about (in my humble opinion) the dosing instructions he gives. Is it true that it take an entire week for your blood levels to show accurate reads??? I said I wanted to test again next friday and he was upset with me and said NO! He claims that testing in one week will not show the true adjustments and that at 2 weeks we could get a more accurate feel as to wether this dosage was good. WHAT? WHAT??? I know I use to test too often (twice a week ) in the beginning but have read many times here that once a week is wise and its better management and besides I have my own kit so what gives? Is this true? AL? Karlynn? Anyone? When would YOU restest??? He changed my dosing schedule from 5.0 3 times a week and 2.5 the other four days to 5mg four days and 2.5 the other 3. Now if Joseph stands correct then I have some apologies but I think he may be a week behind.