I'm going back to work!

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Starting mid-May I will again be among the ranks of the employed :D. I haven't been able to work and be in moderatly good health at the same time for many years...

After transplant they told me to go slow and not push working or anything until mind and body had caught up with the other. I know feel that they have caught up. Well, almost anyway ;). It took me a while to get my cool cardiologist sold on the idea -- he has this very weird notion that I will overdo (don't understand from where he got that LOL ;). Eventually (yesterday) we agreed to a VERY modest start at first, 6 hrs per week. By summer it will most likely have been increased with several hours.
He does not think, however, that I will ever be able to work fulltime ever again; 8 years with a heartcondition does take its toll. To be honest, I don't mind much since it gives me time to do other things that my heart condition prevented me from doing prior to transplant.

The job? I'll be a liaison/qualified caseworker working within our socialinsurance administration with disability compensation. I've done it before as an intern when I was still at university and immediately after graduation. Feels great to get stuff off the ground :D.

My best to all,

/Jessica :D
Congratulations JB. I hope they give you a big ol' $$ raise!

högaktningsfullt, Er tillgivne (Sincerely?)

Oh, Jess, I am so proud for you. We have watched and listened and prayed with/for you from the time you first posted and to see such a miracle before our very eyes is nothing short of awesome. Your world has widened yet again and getting into the working world will be so good for you. You are in my prayers as you travel along. This is such GOOD news. God bless
That's just great Jessica! It's so good to get out and get away from medical things and into the other world out there.

Enjoy your working time.


Well done!!




Best wishes, girl.

Wayne and Marybeth
Good News

Good News

Jessica, what great news. I so love hearing your story. May the good God above keep watching over you and have a lovely life. Keep in touch.
hi jessica!
what wonderful news!! i am so so thrilled for you that you can actually start working part- time!!
enjoy and please don't overdo it. i look forward to hearing how it goes.
good luck, be well and God bless,
Going back to work

Going back to work

Hi Jessica. Good to hear your going back to the world of the working people. I too will be going back after April l5th or so. My Cardio isn't as cool as yours. Still wants me to wait and maybe even think of changing to a different kind of job. Hope all is well with you. Syl:p :rolleyes: