i'm getting really scared!

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I know it seems overwhelming but it is not as bad as it seems. I had an aneurism and bicuspid valve. I am now 14 weeks out and it seems like it is yesterday. I have two young girls and was concerned about not being able to hold/pick them up as well. It isn't like you cant sit and hug them. The time flies and before you know it you will be back to your old ways.

The thing I told myself when I felt overwhelmed was that I was blessed that I had something that could be fixed! You will have a short term inconvenience that will let you live the rest of your life in a positive fashion

You will be fine

jackie, just wanted to add that i had very similiar feelings and even more so post op. time, meds, this forum, and counseling eventually helped me get through it. i won't offer you any cliches, i'll just say we all will be thinking of you and wishing you luck
Jackie, Look at it this way... You are doing this FOR your kids. FOR the First Dates, Proms, Weddings and Grandchildren that you WILL be there to see.
We will be thinking of you, Jackie! I thought about many people here when I was in the hospital and remembered the good wishes people had sent.
Jackie, Look at it this way... You are doing this FOR your kids. FOR the First Dates, Proms, Weddings and Grandchildren that you WILL be there to see.

Yeah, also so you can provide them with food, shelter and clothing, cars, insurance, schooling and everything else. :D

Just kidding, but it sure feels like the truth to me.
I haven't been checking in for a few days, but just want to add my very best wishes for your very near surgery. You've gotten lots of good supporting thoughts, and I hope you have the calm many of us felt on surgery day.


You're really scared...I was absoultely terrified. I was trying to talk my out of surgery right up until they knocked me out in the operating room. As others have stated, you're experiencing the norm.

I feel exactly as you do. I'm new here and trying to learn how this all works. But I can definitely relate to everything youre saying. It's unfair, but life is unfair a lot of times. You will make it through and I will too. We'll be ok. My surgery is for the end of June 2010. Prayers for you!!!
Angel, hopefully this will comfort you some. Jackie (who you're replying to above) had her surgery last week or week before (can't remember exactly when). So while she was really scared, just like you, when she posted the above, she's since made it through surgery and has posted a couple other ones on here with updates on how she's doing ;)

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