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Well-known member
Aug 9, 2001
Honolulu Hawaii
Hi guys! I am home again after a nice vacation! Actually I have been for a while. I have been very busy. Since we got back, my son Erik has had tubes put in his ears, and he now has Roseola Infantum. Poor kid! I am feeling pretty good. I had no problems flying at all. We flew there, and drove home. My husband got his school that he was hoping for, it is in San Diego, California. He leaves August 12th, and graduates September 30. Depending where he gets stationed, I will either fly or drive down there about a week before his graduation. The kids did very well on the drive home, although Ian my oldest just destroyed my car! Oh well, I cleaned it up. Now he gets only water and stuff I can vaccuum up quickly in there. My next trip will be August 8-11 for my mom's wedding. My husband and I decided to LIVE this summer since we haven't been able to for so long because I didn't feel well. Take it easy guys!