Exercise thoughts
Exercise thoughts
Mara...about the tapes...yes they are very good, I think. When you can't walk outside or maybe if you just prefer to through in a tape. She uses walking, side steps, bends , kicks, stretches. It is a good workout...I sweat more than when I just walk, except if I go walking in the fields and woods. Yet you can do it slower or just walk and not bop around if you feel like it. I was leary at first, but liked the first one so well I now have three.
About LtCdData...he might have been blunt, but I have to stand up for him a little. This summer my cardio said after telling me that he was so pleased with all aspects of my heart health since surgery, that he really thought I should lose weight...he said it would be a shame to waste such a successful surgery by improper eating habits. It stung, but I already knew he was right. It was just the kick I needed to tackle the job...I have lost 18 pounds since then and will lose the other10 -15 I want to take off. Sometimes, the soft approach just gives someone permission to sluff off. So while it didn't sound pretty, it was up front...we really must take care of our bodies and moderate exercise is vital...dance, walk, ride a bike DO SOMETHING! We all need to do this. Remember those early days in the hospital when they kept telling you WALK, WALK, WALK!!! Keep doing it. They're right.