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Well-known member
May 3, 2008
North Idaho
Did I read this here...on a different day...at a different time?

If you didn't know how old you were, how old would you be?

I just turned 67 last week and I refuse to be 67. Yup, I
hurt all over when I get up. My hair is thinning. My teeth are coming
out and the rest are kinda yellow. I can't possibly be 67.
I'm 20 pounds overweight but I go to the gym regularly.
Arthur visits my right hand on a weekly basis. My golf game
isn't getting better, it's getting worse. There's no way I'm 67.
Both my brother and my sister passed away at 70. Three more
years? No way! I must be younger than 67.

I choose to be 58.
I think I'm 58. I am 58. I really am 58.
Well...that's my story.
To write my story following your cute style, here it is:

I am 57 and I refuse to be 57. In two years I shall be 59...I refuse to be 59. One sister and my only brother passed away at age 59, so I refuse to become 59 in two years. I have to make up for all the lost years:D

At age 32, my cardio told me if I wanted children then to hurry up and that I to rest in bed the last 4 months:eek: That overwhelmed me and years passed me by and here I am ... no childre...40 lbs more:mad:...I look in the mirror, the soul is there, but not looks:D I skip dinner, exercise, nothing happens...I change the batteries in the scale...figures remain the same!

Now the POSITIVE CHEERFUL SIDE: Now, three months after the surgery, my energy is picking up, moods are elevating, tolerance to exercise is improving...so weight will come off slowly, hoping some of the looks may improve with the weight off:) :confused:

Yes, my sister and brother passed away at age 59...they finished their mission at age 59 ... mine will start at 59:)

So, I choose to be 32.
I think I'm 32. I really am 32. I must be 32...and I am planning to live 32 more years...TIME TO MAKE UP FOR LOST YEARS.
For me age is only a number( I'm 70 at this time).
You are only as old as you feel.
At this time in our life any of us could drop, so get out there and enjoy everyday like it was your last.
My dad dropped at 64 and his father at 44, so I feel lucky to still be here.

Thanx all~~~I enjoyed your responses.
I'll just bump this up to see if anyone else feels younger or older.

:D :D :D
I agree 100% with Rich age is just a number, it's how you feel inside that counts, but you know I feel so good since surgery I actually feel younger!!
Well, that explains it! If we are only as old as we feel, then I now understand why some mornings I'm 84 and some mornings I'm only 61. Sometimes I feel like I'm a lot older than the calendar shows, other times younger. I'm just glad to be here, on the right side of the dirt. . .
Forever young

Forever young

I will take the lead from the comedian Jack Benny who was perpetually
age 39. I really like being 39. Afterall, I've had 27 years of experience
being 39 years old!

Happy days,
I will retire at 59 1/2 which is 20 months from now. Once I reach that age I intend to stay 59 1/2 forever. I told my husband eventually he will be married to a younger woman because he will continue to age.
Some days I feel young, some days old and some days dead?. At age 52 I am starting to feel some of the aging process?.If I feel 35 on Monday I usually feel old on Tuesday?.If I feel 25 on Monday I usually feel dead on Tuesday;)? I wish it were all in the head but it?s not?.Like the song says ??I ain?t as good as I once was but I?m as good once as I always was?..oh yeah, when did my hair turn this color?:p
On that faithful day when I was brought into the ER with sever SOB. The 3 doctors that were attending to me, were asking all kinds of question to which I was replying in short answers or "NO"....until they ask me my age.....DUH.....had to turn to my SO to get the answer....cause I didn't have a clue :D:D
Which of course he knew the answer, because it wasn't the first time I didn't know my age :D
I had to laugh so hard at these remarks. :D I just feel thankful that I've made it this far. All my doctors are amazed I'm still alive. I have out lived all of my family. Thanks goodness for all the excellent doctors and the progress we have seen in the medical field. Thanks goodness for my faith in the Good Lord and for the prayer's of my family, my friends. my church and many other church prayer groups that have prayed for me over the last eight years. I sometimes can't believe that I'm 65. I feel in my mind that I'm a lot younger but my old body tells me different. Someone told me the other day that I was middle age. Let's see that would make me 130. Of course I gave them $20.00 :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I guess because I haven't let my hair go grey (which I would be completely gray if I would leave it alone:D)

Anyway, I think age is in your mind and attitude has so much to do with aging and I'm just not ready to get old yet.:):)

I'm sure many of you have read this but it's worth repeating. It hangs above my desk in my computer room. It's called Attitude.

"The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company...a church...a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for the day. We cannot change our past...We cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way...We canot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it. And so it is with you. We are in charge of our attitudes." Author Unknown
Well i just had to chime in as i read Glenda's post cus i have attitude

also hanging above my computer (laninated and framed)....The best

and how true as it's written,i read mine everyday.

Now age will,my grandma lived to 101 years she always told me Deb

age is a number,you identify it as a human being you are. She died in 1981.

We all have birthdays and i always think k i've aged another year like my grandma said this far so enjoy it and define it well.

Thats stayed with me forever,her words and i guess if too for me

i like to get into it as not abig deal for me. Age is age,another year

thats life and it will only get better one day if it's too bad today.

But all things said and done i can't wait the one big day

Christmas day,when i get to watch everyone from child to adult

just watch the faces of old and young,we all feel like kids at least

i do and i am not talking presents or material......it's the love

darn that it too comes 364 days a year only to feel like a child

that once a year and that too makes another year on me older

but i've never looked at it that way at all,cus every christmas morn

i feel like a kid,with my family.:):):;)

zipper2 (DEB)
I'd prefer to be in my 50s instead of 60s. In fact I like to be around younger (as in 40s) people more than those older than I am.

I've been decorating our Christmas tree today and it's making me rather melancholy. The ornaments that go back decades, ironing the tree skirt (can it possible be a year since I did that?), the strings of lights that refuse to burn (they were OK when put away on Dec 26, '07!). The years are passing so quickly and my fear of old age is dementia. There is plenty of it on my mother's side of the family and it's not nice.

If only I could be like my mother-in-law who was just shy of 102 when she died. Her mind was sharp as a tack until the day she died, remembering birthdays, anniversaries, incidents from way back as well as current. She didn't dwell on the past, she enjoyed life and lived in the present. Amazing woman. I miss her because I need to pick her brain for information. Wish I had done more of that while she was with us.

My melancholy won't last. Christmas will be wonderful with our family. We are very blessed to have everyone healthy and close by.
..........If only I could be like my mother-in-law who was just shy of 102 when she died. Her mind was sharp as a tack until the day she died, remembering birthdays, anniversaries, incidents from way back as well as current. She didn't dwell on the past, she enjoyed life and lived in the present. Amazing woman. .

You have gotten her secret, which I bolded in red above. So, live the present and do not worry about tomorrow and you may not be like your mother...I read one time something llike this: yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, today is the present and this is why a gift is also called a present:)