Happiness . . . an email from our son

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I often think I have a love/hate relationship with my computer, but today I think it is the most magnificent machine in the world.
Not only did I have an email from our oldest son, but I was able to have a ten minute instant messenger talk with him too.:) It's the first time I've "talked" to him since he left for the Mideast on December 22.

I asked him if they saw President Bush's speech to the nation last night, and he said they did. I then asked if he would be able to let me know if, and when he's being moved in, and he said "in a general manner." It's been hard not knowing what's going on . . . every newscast I listen for the name of the Iraq city where he is suppose to be. I know that's ridiculous; if anything happens they'll let us know, but I am still consumed by the need to weigh the probability that each new kidnapping, or casualty might be connected to him.
Now my mind is a little more at peace.
Mary, is he in the staging area in Kuwait right now? From what I understand, they really never know how long they'll sit around there. It's supposedly not a very comfortable place to be. Our son's best friend Scott couldn't wait to get in to Iraq on his first tour, just so he didn't have to wait in lines for the showers and toilets. And I guess it's pretty boring. (Although we told Scott that Mom's like things to be boring for their military children.)

Scott heads back to Iraq in June for another year to 14 mo. We're hoping they don't move the date up, as he is standing up for my son's wedding at the end of March.

My prayers are with your son. May his time be VERY boring for him.
My prayers go out to you to help you cope with this. How wonderful that we have this computer technology, so you at least have some contact, but I know your thoughts are with him constantly. We can't begin to know what all these brave men and women are going through over there, but you must be so proud to have raised a son who is able to face whatever challenges they give him. Please let us know whenever you hear from him, for now I will be worrying about him as well!!!
Hi, Mary. I'm so glad you got to talk with your son.

My younger brother just shipped out last week for a year's tour in Afghanistan. Not nearly as dangerous as Iraq, but we'll all be glad when he's back. He has a 5 month old boy and a 18 month old girl. I can't imagine having to leave two kids at that age for a year. :(

I pray your son stays safe and healthy...
Mary, you know I'm thinking of him and them all out there.
So pleased you got to speak with him and put your mind at rest somewhat!
Love Emma
So glad you heard from him, Mary. Thank God for email and the miracle of instant messaging. All our prayers and best wishes for a safe and short assignment!
I am so glad you got to talk to John..I met John last summer..He came to my Birthday lunch.....such a handsome boy..and so well mannered.(Got that from his Dad:D )Just kidding , Mary:p ).........I know that it will not do you any good. to tell you not to worry...I worried for years over my son's job..( Law enforcement).When he was younger..he took on all the most dangerous assignments.....Drug force (busting down front doors):eek: ..Diving on the department's dive team for drowned victims..(in Lake Lanier) that was flooded and many old farm fences still down there)Barbed wire.:eek: ..but after worrying for many years..decided that he loved his job and there was nothing I could do..to keep him from being hurt...Other than saying a prayer for him everynight.....so, we can do that for you....for John, to stay safe.:) Bonnie
so great you could have this communicaiton with your son. my prayers are with him as he ventures to a difficult place. good thoughts for you and yours! ;)
Technology sure has made the world small, hasn't it? Glad you were able to connect with your son.

My thoughts are with all the troops in these troubled spots. I hope they are all able to come home soon.

So very, very happy for you that you got an email from your son and got to "talk" with him as well!

He will definitely be in my prayers and thoughts for a safe tour of duty and return home to his family. Please keep us updated on his status! Inquiring and caring minds want to know!;)

All my best to your and your family,

P.S. Please let us all know if there is anything that we can do to help him while he is serving our country so bravely.
I am thrilled for you Mary...I bet your relieved...

I am thrilled for you Mary...I bet your relieved...

I will be keeping your son as well as everyone over there in my prayers. I hope you get to hear and chat with him as often as possible. Harrybaby:D :D :D
Mary, your feelings and fears are the most natural thing in the world for GI mothers. Any time you want to talk, just know that we here are supporting your family and your beloved son. We love him, too - and all our children who are out there somewhere. God bless them all and keep them safe from harm. Please share any news you have. We want to know, too.
Mary, I'm so glad that you got to chat with your son. Please know and please let your son know how grateful we all are for what he and so many others are doing for us and on our behalf. You and your son will be in my prayers. LINDA
What a relief it must be to hear from your son, Mary. I guess I missed the "my son's off to the middle east" thread. My BIL is near Tikrit and my sister is able to communicate with him quite a bit (I always seem to call when she and her boys are IM'ing with him.) I will keep him in my thoughts and watch out for status reports.


I cannot imagine how hard it must be for the families of these brave soldiers, and especially spouses and parents. I will sure keep him in my prayers. Every morning we have a moment of silence before classes start. I will remember him every day.
Ditto everyone and please express my family's gratitude for what he is doing and for you and your family as you wait for his safe return.
Thanks to everyone for sharing in my happiness, and thank you for your offers to keep John in your thoughts and prayers.
I need to clarify a little bit, but only a little bit, because I can't disclose much additional information.
John spent five years in Marine Recon (Marine version of Army special forces or the Navy's SEALS), came home and started college. He had been stationed in the Mideast previously, and I never dreamed that I would have to worry about his going again. However, the state department has pursued an aggressive campaign to entice former military special ops back into service, but in the private sector. John is not with any branch of the military at this time, but he is employed by the state department to provide security for American citizens traveling into, and around, Iraq.
The good news concerning the job is he serves a rotation, then has time off to return home before starting the next cycle. The bad news is that he doesn't have the wide circle of support like military personnel do, and his job is considered high risk; that's why he will do three months in and one month out.
As I said previously, I never dreamed once he left the Marine Corps that I would one day find myself worrying much more than I thought possible about his safety. But there it is. And I am just one of a number of mothers faced with the same fears. We're all in this together; maybe just paddling different boats.