I will have my aortic valve replaced with a mechanical valve next week

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My voice still hasn't fully came back so I find talking tiresome and lose my voice easily. I sound like someone who smoked 60 a day for 60 years at 32..
intubation does that ... I also managed to get a permanent change in my throat after my last surgery (which as you know was the third in relatively rapid succession). I know its permanent because 12 years later its still part of my daily experience.
Operation went well, in a lot of pain though. They found previously live infection on the heart valve so I now need to stay in 6 weeks for antibiotics again to play it safe. Not ideal at all. Christmas in hospital.
Sorry to hear about the complications, but glad to see you on the other side. I've got a date with my valve tomorrow morning!
Sorry to hear about the complications, but glad to see you on the other side. I've got a date with my valve tomorrow morning!
Best of luck tomorrow! I'm positive you'll not have the same infection issues as me so you should be home in no time!
how ya holdin up mate?
Still getting stronger each day and voice slowly coming back. I find sleeping is still hard and I get uncomfortable during the night and wide awake by 5am.

Pain levels have dropped, its more of an uncomfortable feeling rather than an intense sharp pain. Finding it tough with knowing I'm gonna be in hospital for weeks yet (although hoping this could change).

Going to try to walk more tomorrow around the ward as today felt more lazy and rested.
just another update.

Was told today that the left ventricle wasn't working as well as before surgery so they have prescribed me two medications to help (didn't get the name of them) but the doctor said being young it should hopefully correct itself with help from the meds. I'll have to have another echo in 3 months to see if its going normally again. Anyone else any issues with that?

Noticed a tiny bit of blood coming from the wound this evening thankfully just a dot on my tshirt and nothing major. Nurse cleaned it up and didn't seem concerned.

Overall, feel stronger each day still, better energy levels and much less pain too.
Was told today that the left ventricle wasn't working as well as before surgery so they have prescribed me two medications to help (didn't get the name of them) but the doctor said being young it should hopefully correct itself with help from the meds. I'll have to have another echo in 3 months to see if its going normally again.
damn, you're getting quite the bumpy landing ...

Overall, feel stronger each day still, better energy levels and much less pain too.
but that bit is good news :)

So my background is congenital heart disease I was born with a Bicuspid aortic heart valve, VSD and needed a Coarctation of the aorta repair to save my life at 11 days old. I'm 32 years old now. Living in the UK.

I became unwell this year around May time before finally being diagnosed with endocarditis in August, I spent 7 weeks in hospital getting IV antibiotics for this. The final scans of the heart at the end of September seemed okay allowing me to be discharged with close follow up appointments with my doctor. However at the end of October part of the dead vegetation came off the heart valve causing a small hole in the Aortic valve this caused me to have a TIA (lost sight in left eye for a few minutes) I went straight to hospital. After a few days of tests it was decided the best treatment for me would be a mechanical heart valve and they will close the VSD while they're at it.

I found out today the surgery will be next Thursday so it's starting to feel very real now and scary. I will be honest and say this is the most scared I have ever been in my life and still can't believe this is happening. I'm trying to be positive but I'm struggling with it all.
I have extreme anxiety about the surgery itself, as if it won't successful, dying and other complications that may disable me. I know these fears all come from the unknown and overthinking but its hard to relax. I also fear my life with the valve will be one that will hold me back from traveling, being active, enjoy food and having a long happy life. I start to worry about needing a new valve down the line too.

I have been reading this forum for the past few days and its been very helpful in easing some of my fears but now it's getting real with the date my anxiety has gone up. My hands started to shake uncontrollably when my doctor told me today.

I just hope I can have a normal healthy life after this. I guess I hope to hear everyone's experiences and maybe it can help me relax more and embrace this next chapter in life.
Hi there,

I hope your OHS went well! You can live a full and active life once you are recovered!

Grandma here is almost 17 years post-op from my bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) surgery with stenosis (narrowing of the valve). I had my chest opened up 3 separate times in 4 days (first St. Jude valve clotted, then they put in a Carbo-Medics, then excessive bleeding). 6 days after my second OHS, I had a pacemaker placed.

For the last 16 years, I have had a mid-ascending aortic aneurysm caused by my OHS; I may or may not have another OHS for that (depending on if it grows or not). The magic number for surgery is 5.5 cm (about 2") and I’m at 4 cm (about 1.5"). My ribs are messed up from my chest being opened 3 times and I used to wear a compression band on my upper ribs to help my breathing. I discovered wearing a tight bra works the same way as the compression band; it just holds my ribs together (I’ve had tests and they found two ribs closing in on each other when I do a crunch).

I’ve also had a PFO procedure 21 years ago (hole in my heart), Brock procedure (left ventricular, mini heart surgery, 6-8 weeks recovery), an ablation, 5 cardiac catheterizations, 5 chest angiograms, 5 TEEs (trans esophageal echos), 24+ intubations, 30+ chest x-rays, 21+ ECHOs, 17+ EKGs, and CTs.

I stay active and just live my life until the good Lord calls me home. I do a Zoom exercise class with weights twice weekly (I’m up to 50#), play Pickleball once a week, bike, hike, snowshoe, have fun with the grandkids, painted my house in and out several times, finished our basement, do chores… the list is pretty endless. I focus on what I can do, not what I am unable to do.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.