I want to wish Everyone a Happy Thanksgiving

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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2002
A lot of us will probably be leaving home for the Thanksgiving Holidays. Me to Alabama tomorrow. So everyone have a safe journey if you are driving...And a Very Happy Thanksgiving. Bonnie:) :) :) :)
I wish you, as well as everyone, the same. Take care and enjoy!

AVR '93 / '95
Do I hear a lot of people about to blow their INR out of range? hehe.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Be sure to eat as much as possible! Everyone departing the primary residence-Be careful out there and return to us in one piece. ;)
Hi All

Our best wishes to EVERYONE on the list for a great Thanksgiving, too. This is one Thanksgiving I know I'm VERY thankful for---not only for Tyce and his recovery, but for both my regular family and my extended family on VR.com. I know I plan to say a prayer and have a toast to all of you, you've are great.

A thanksgiving prayer

A thanksgiving prayer

I don't know if this is in the rules but I want to give a prayer of thanks. I want to thank God that I live in a country that has gotten me the best medical care in the world. There are many out there that aren't so blessed. I thank God that I live in a country that lets me go on a sight to find people that I have so much in common with. Finding all of you has truly been a blessing. I thank God for my family who has been through so much with my health. I thank God that I'm healthy enough to cook Thankgiving dinner (okay so I'm a glutton for punishment). I wish to extend traveling mercies to all those who will be leaving their homes this Holiday Season. I thank God most of all for my faith for I know I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for that. Happy Thanksgiving all. Pegne
Been in the wine early Ev

Been in the wine early Ev

Celebrating early???:D :D I called Daddy to make sure Winn Dixie sold wine and beer. Didn't want to be caught transporting over state line and son a Cop:p :p :p BonnieLike, Hey son, guess where Mama is? :D
travel well Bon,

Happy Thanksgiving to all, and I am very thankful for this site and all healthful "nuts" found here.
"Happy Thanksgiving"

"Happy Thanksgiving"

Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful people on this forum. May you all be blessed with family surrounding you this day, food on the table, and feel thankful to live in a country where freedom comes above everything else.
Please say a prayer of blessing for President Bush and his family.

God Bless!

AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
Tucson, AZ.
Hi Everyone!
I just want to wish everyone here a very Happy Thanksgiving. There are so many things to be thankful for this year. Just being here is one of them. Everyone who is traveling, please be very careful. I will be thinking of each and every one of you this Thanksgiving Day because I am very thankful for having found this wonderful site and you amazing people.

God Bless
Take Care


Thanking God for all theblessings we are so fortunate to have. Thanking for this group and our country and our loved ones. Safe trips to all who are traveling.
Thanks VR.com-ers for another year of great advice and info.
Drive, fly, sail, walk safely over the holiday. Eat lots of turkey, sleep in front of the t.v. while the game is on, and thank God for healthy hearts and clicking or non-clicking valves!
Thanks Hank for making it all possible.

Happy Thanksgiving to All

Happy Thanksgiving to All

May I wish all our members a very happy Thanksgiving,

We all have a lot too be thankful for,

Enjoy the time with your loved ones, and friends

My son will be 31 on Thursday so we will be celebrating his birthday so I will raise a glass to all my heart friends

Take Care

Jan ( Liverpool England)
May we all enjoy many many more years of healthy and happy days!

Have a great holiday everyone.

PS....We must share our post indulgence INR's next week! I am riding a bit high at the moment. Nothing a little broccoli casserole won't fix. :D
wishing you all a happy and healthy thanksgiving!
we all have so much to be thankful for, our families, our lives, each other on this site.
those of you who are traveling, please have a safe trip (especially northeasterners with the snow coming our way!)
be well, sylvia
Happy thanksgiving! We all have a lot to be thankful for...our families, friends, and another chance at life! Travel safe, and when you get home, we'll all compare stories!:D
Yes, best wishes all

Yes, best wishes all

I hope everyone has a safe, happy Thanksgiving. Many of us additional things to be thankful for this year, I know I do.
My best wishes to everybody on Thanksgiving. It is a wonderful time of the year and we all probably ought to take a few moments to just thank the One who is in charge all the time. We have been brought through some rough times in here and through the grace of God, we're still hanging in and wishing each other well every day. For those who're leavin and won't be in touch, we'll leave the light on for ya. Love Ann
I want to also add my best wishes for a very healthy, safe and HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! I know many will be traveling and hope you all stay safe and everyone enjoy the day to the fullest, We all have a lot to be thankful for. I am thankful for all of you. And I also want to wish everyone celebrating Hanukkah, A very healthy and Happy Hanukkah! Wishing you all the best, Take care and God Bless!

P.S. I know many of us are expecting snow, So please be extra careful and be prepared. ;)