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Chillin, just chillin....
Supporting Member
Dec 15, 2005
South Carolina
OK, I know that my salt and pepper hair adds a year or two to my appearance and as you can see by my avatar I do carry an air of distinction about me. But there is no freaking way in hell that I can possibly look like I qualify for the senior discount at the barber shop:eek: :eek: You have to be 65 FREAKING YEARS OLD. I am mortified:mad: . I am outraged:D Actually I don't give a damn. But sheesh.....I am only 51;) ;)

Off to the gym I go....

Older Tom:confused:
Bina said:
51......Boy are you ever OLD.....:eek:
Then again, don't chimps live to about 80??
;) :D ;) :D

:p :p :p to you:D

I guess 51 looks ancient to a twenty year old:rolleyes: She was a cutie! Why don't we look as good to them as they do to us???????????
I think at 50 aarp puts you on its list. Have you heard from them yet?

McDonald's gives free coffee to 50 y.o. people.

My dear Joe used to get insulted when they offered him a senior discount. I simply told him "Joe, you're getting money back. What's the problem?"
I know what your saying Tom, it's the same when a younger person stands for you on a bus, that was always reserved for older people. When did I become one of the older people I'm only 49 and my legs work fine thanks. Sad thing is I still feel like I'm in my twenties..... well maybe thirties ....Mary
aussie girl said:
I know what your saying Tom, it's the same when a younger person stands for you on a bus, that was always reserved for older people. When did I become one of the older people I'm only 49 and my legs work fine thanks. Sad thing is I still feel like I'm in my twenties..... well maybe thirties ....Mary

Might be because you are a lady.......As southern gentlemen we were taught to offer a lady our seats under all circumstances:D :D
hensylee said:
There ya go. Makes you a senior citizen. There are children, teens, young people, middle aged, seniors. Middle age must be about 35 - 40! Think about it.:D :p :rolleyes: :(


You are on the money with this. I am middle age if I am going to live to 102:eek: I guess I should except the discounts gracefully and without guilt.

But to be confused with 65:D :eek: :D


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