I need your prayers and good vibes

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So rewarding!

So rewarding!

I'm still celebrating the good news myself! Yesterday I went to my pal's shop and got yet another new pair of jeans which I loved! I feel brand new now! I haven't even had any more of the symptoms I've told you about in other posts so, I guess it was just my imagination after all. Thank you so much for all the support and don't think you'll get rid of me :D just because I won't be going under the knife for a couple of years, quite the oposite, I want to remain here so that I can help as many people as possible. As well as that, I love being here and there will be times when I too will need you to help me just as you've been doing! I love all of you!!

Keep On Celebrating, Debora!!!

Keep On Celebrating, Debora!!!

What really great news!!! I am thrilled that you don't have to get under the knife again for awhile. :D :D :D Harry

P.S. Since we can't dance in person...we can do it over VR.com..LOL :D :D
Debora- I haven't been visiting or posting much lately, for various reasons. I ws thrilled to read your wonderful news. You are always here for everyone else. What an amzing spirit you have. I wish you many more years (more than 3!) of heart health!
All I want!

All I want!

Hi Harry and Candy, thanks for your posts. All I want now is to live life to the fullest and carry on with the plans I thought I would have to postpone. I'm looking forward to moving house within a few weeks, our summer holidays, and just enjoy life itself. I've been getting on quite well with my mum lately too and she's even stopped annoying me about the internet. I feel just great!!
Débora :D :) :D
Débora, I've been away from VR.com for a while & am just catching up with all the news -- so very glad to read your GOOD news. A real ray of light. Take care and have a good summer. Just as we in the northern hemisphere head into another winter .... brrrrr .... maybe I'll come down and visit you! :)
Happy to hear from you!

Happy to hear from you!

Hi there Marge, I was wondering where you were away to. How are you getting on? Now that our summer's approaching, I'll be going to the club a lot. More later.