I need your prayers and good vibes

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Debrinha GT

Well-known member
Feb 19, 2004
Hi all, Friday has finally arrived and to me it's a day that can make or break since I'm going to see my surgeon. Although I was the one who wanted to go there, it's been over 2 months now since I got the last echo done, and I'm feeling a bit aprehensive as time gets closer. The appointment has been set for 4:30pm my time, so, I'd like you to say a prayer for me. I'm sure I'll feel the good vibes heading my way. Thank you all for helping me out all these months.
Love to all,
I'm back!

I'm back!

Hi there and thanks for your prayers and positive thoughts. They worked!!The visit to my surgeon was great and the news were much better than I had expected. He looked at all my exams, answered all my questions and said that there should not be surgery for me for the next 3 years+ as far as he can see. We've also talked about all the valves and he too is in favour of another tissue one for my next operation. He's such a friendly and helpful doctor! You can't imagine how relieved I'm feeling right now! I took my camera and Robert took some pics of us, very nice! I'll be posting a couple here over the weekend, ok? When we left, Robert and I went for a snack and relaxed a bit. I think I'll have a wonderful night's sleep at last!! You're all so great!!
Great news!!

Great news!!

Hooray!! Sorry I didn't have time to post earlier. I was sending positive thoughts your way today. So glad the news was good.

I always enjoy your posts. I read so much of everyone that by the time I'm finished I've run out of time to answer. Please know that I've thought of you often so far away.

Take care and keep doing whatever it is you're doing because you're certainly doing it right!!

Warm wishes,

I'm so glad for you, Debora. It's so nice to have a definitive answer and be able to take it off your mind. I bet you and Robert will sleep well tonight.

Best wishes,
Great news Debora! I imagine it's a relief to have a better idea of what the timeframe is so you can get back to a normal life for awhile. :)
Glad to hear your good news, Debora. ( Sorry I didn't post earlier.) You must be relieved to know it will be a few more years before you go through surgery again. Best to you.
Great news, Deborah.
It must be a relieft to be able to forget heart issues for awhile. I hope you can use the time to really enjoy your life with your husband and daughter.
As happy as Larry!

As happy as Larry!

Thanks for your replies, they mean so much! Today I woke up feeling as if a weight had been taken off my back, something I hadn't experienced for quite a while. I know there's always a possibility of something going wrong along the way and a rupture in the valve which was the problem last time, could get me into the operating theatre sooner, and the doctor could only give me an answer based on my last exams. Still, I'm very optimistic and hopeful, and even if I have to go into surgery in a year or so, taking into consideration that I was imagining it might have been within a few months, I think I'm lucky all the same. He also explained to me that the main issue on replaced valves like mine, is stenosis, but told me to be careful with endocarditis.

New hairdo... and oh, by the way, this is my surgeon!

New hairdo... and oh, by the way, this is my surgeon!

Here's my new look, as promised! And also me with my surgeon who gave me the good news yesterday! You can see I'm smiling because the photo was taken just after the big relief that I won't be going under the knife for some time to come! Then my husband and I went to McDonald's to celebrate, although we did stop off for a few beers (for him) just before the Big Mac!

Sorry I didnt see this earlier

Sorry I didnt see this earlier

Im glad everything worked out for you. (and I love your new avatar).
Havent had very much time past few days,Johns b/p went to 193/95...had a very big scare with him, his head was so bad he honestly couldnt see right... we had to up his dosage of verapramil, and he lost several days of work. Im moitoring his b/p ..daily..last reading 135/80.
Forgive me for not responding earlier..and will be back on later. Love Yaps
Thank you too!

Thank you too!

Hi Al, I've just sent you a reply. Thanks for caring!

Hi Yaps, I'm sorry to hear that your husband's having health problems too, and I hope he gets better soon. Have you seen all the photos I posted? There are a couple on my Milady's Birthday's tomorrow thread as well which I think you'll love! Take good care of your husband and yourself! Get in touch as soon as you're able to.

Hi Betty, so, you too think he's nice looking! His dad's also a surgeon, but by what I've heard, it seems that he's only seeing his old patients now.


I love your name. My sister, Deborah just told me of that spelling this week. It is very nice.

Anyway, it is great to hear the good news. We don't seem to be getrting enough of it lately.

Your optimism and hopefulness will be a great asset to you.

I used to hate my name!

I used to hate my name!

Hi Donna and thank you too for your kind words. When I was a child I absolutely hated my name, and I would ask people to call me anything but Débora. One day, my mum was getting me ready to go to the doctor's when I started giving her a hard time about it, on that day I wanted everyone to call me mãezinha" which's mummy in English. After a while my mum really lost her temper and ended up spanking me for this thing had been going on for a long time. Once I'd stopped crying she asked me what my name was and I agreed it was Débora, but then asked her if I could be called "mãezinha" just a little bit more. I was about 6 or 7 at the time and nobody knew of my heart condition yet.
Débora :D
Debora, I'm so thankful that you received good news. It's time and you certainly deserve the best. You can tell from your posts that you are such a caring and sweet person. My prayers were answered for you. Hugs are coming your way!
Hi Debora,
I am so glad to hear all went very well. I havent logged in for a few days. About the name thing, i too hated my real name but the good thing was nobody ever called me by that name. THey all called me Bess or Benki. Mostly Benki. I have now taken my real name of all my legal documents. But Debora is a pretty name.
Hope all the days are filled with joys for you
Lots of Love

Great News! I have been busy the last few days trying to get caught up at work. My big day is coming soon so I need to have everthing done so someone else at work doesnt have to do it for me.

I am happy for you. Glad you got some good news
