I need some advive

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VR.org Supporter
Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2001
Liverpool England
Hi Everyone

I need some advice on a unrelated matter,

Next year a group of us are bringing our motorcycles to the USA for a month, and we need to buy Auto Insurance so we can ride the motorcycles

The problem is that because we live in the UK we have too use a broker, we had a broker in London who was going to arrange it for us but he keeps increasing his costs every time we speak too him,

So I thought it would be a good idea to try and find a US broker who may be able to help/advise us,

I have no idea how I might find a reputable broker,
so if any one has any idea's would they please let me know.

We are looking too buy Auto Insurance for 8 motorcycles


Jan ( Liverpool England)
Hi Jan,
When will you be coming in, how many will need the insurance and where (what state) will you start out? I work for an Insurance Agency, which means we sell insurance for several insurance carriers. We would try to find one who would be willing to insure you at the best price. I am not a Broker yet (I need to take my licensing exam) but we have a lot of great people in the office. I am taking a medical leave of absence from work, but it's no problem giving them a call to see what they can do for you.

Hi Judy

Thank you very much for the prompt reply

If you could send your email address to me at

[email protected]

I will send you all the details of our trip

There will be 8 motorcycles in our group and we are starting out from Chicago Illonois

Hope you are well

Hi Jan,

State Farm Insurance of Illinois should be able to handle your request. They are a large multi-state carrier.

Progressive is a good cycle coverer and also Harley Davidson has a connection through the HOG club. I'll contact you through your email after I get home and check phone and email numbers.

I ride myself. If your group is coming through the Minneapolis area (we are west of Chicago) let me know!