What's going on in the US right now is ridiculous. Paying bonuses to the heads of unprofitable companies should be illegal, no matter what their contracts say. I work for a profitable company, got a small bonus, but no raise this year. The person at the top also got a bonus (bigger than mine I'm sure), but also took no raise. Their reasoning was because in today's economy, Wall Street is looking for cutbacks, even if the company is profitable, and they didn't want to lay anyone off. Fortunately, I have a job and Texas is still ahead of many other states, but my husband's family is in Michigan and they are suffering. However, they are better off staying there on unemployment than relocating here, so that's what they're doing, at least for now.
As far as whether or not this is political, it probably is, but it's certainly not the fault of any one party. There's plenty of blame to go around.