I know someones going to get angry about this post, but that's alright

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Compensation of big time executives is a part of our system that has been broken for a long time. Boards of directors that were intended to protect shareholder's interest have obviously not served that function for some time. I believe that membership on the board of directors for major companies has become a nice perk for big names--- who know their personal interest is not served by causing waves for upper management. I can see no other reason for tolerating million dollar bonuses for management that has driven companies into bankruptcy.

Bonuses for colossal failure will never be available, or tolerated for the working man/woman.
Compensation of big time executives is a part of our system that has been broken for a long time. Boards of directors that were intended to protect shareholder's interest have obviously not served that function for some time. I believe that membership on the board of directors for major companies has become a nice perk for big names--- who know their personal interest is not served by causing waves for upper management. I can see no other reason for tolerating million dollar bonuses for management that has driven companies into bankruptcy.

Bonuses for colossal failure will never be available, or tolerated for the working man/woman.

This reminds me of all the politicians spouses that just happen to get board seats after their spouse gets elected. Especially if they've never worked in the field all of a sudden they get a nice paid postition to go to a meeting, good old pay to play. So OF course they see no problem giving the execs their big share and don't really care about the stock holders, consumers company ect.
I know some will call this a political thread. I call it reality. I'm watching this happen everyday, to us, to people we know and many that we've not yet met. This insanity has got to stop. We can't help our people, but we can put billions of dollars into corrupt corporate hands? How long are we going to sit back and let this happen?
What really ticks me off is the attitude of the politicians. They pretend to share our outrage, while they continue their own abuses and sticking it the taxpayers. It makes me sick to listen to the phony platitudes coming out of Washington, from the lowliest member of Congress to the Commander in Chief. They truly don't have a clue what it's like. There's no real help for people like the guy in the video - what are people supposed to do?

I'm with you! We SHOULD BE UPSET! Damn it, there is something WRONG if you are not. The apathy in this country has goT to STOP!
What's going on in the US right now is ridiculous. Paying bonuses to the heads of unprofitable companies should be illegal, no matter what their contracts say. I work for a profitable company, got a small bonus, but no raise this year. The person at the top also got a bonus (bigger than mine I'm sure), but also took no raise. Their reasoning was because in today's economy, Wall Street is looking for cutbacks, even if the company is profitable, and they didn't want to lay anyone off. Fortunately, I have a job and Texas is still ahead of many other states, but my husband's family is in Michigan and they are suffering. However, they are better off staying there on unemployment than relocating here, so that's what they're doing, at least for now.

As far as whether or not this is political, it probably is, but it's certainly not the fault of any one party. There's plenty of blame to go around.
I've always figured that if you've got a roof over your head, food in the cupboard and warm clothes on your back, the rest is gravy! Never understood the need for 2 people to have 6000 sq ft homes, 2 cars each (what's with that? how many can you drive at once?) and other frivolities. OK, maybe a cruise vacation would be nice, guess what I am trying to say is that more than comfortable is just plain greed.
Yeah well I'm having trouble just holding on to what I have and it's only 1100 sq ft. Been wearing second hand clothes for years, Wondering if I can afford fuel oil this coming winter, so heat might be a problem, food budget is slashed so bad now that I'm beginning to think of the many different uses of jello. Vacation? Don't make me laugh so hard. I haven't been one one of those since 98 and then it was local. And were living life much like in the video. Just trying to keep my property is becoming a chore. I just joined AARP. Armed And Really Pissed. Now if I could just get some ammunition...........
Yeah well I'm having trouble just holding on to what I have and it's only 1100 sq ft. Been wearing second hand clothes for years, Wondering if I can afford fuel oil this coming winter, so heat might be a problem, food budget is slashed so bad now that I'm beginning to think of the many different uses of jello. Vacation? Don't make me laugh so hard. I haven't been one one of those since 98 and then it was local. And were living life much like in the video. Just trying to keep my property is becoming a chore. I just joined AARP. Armed And Really Pissed. Now if I could just get some ammunition...........

I was JUST looking at the AARP stuff yesterday, also I keep forgetting but I have AAA and sometimes you can get discounts on things with your AAA card, but I always remeber after the fact.
I was JUST looking at the AARP stuff yesterday, also I keep forgetting but I have AAA and sometimes you can get discounts on things with your AAA card, but I always remeber after the fact.

I'm no better, same deal here.

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