I know I said I would... but

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I know I said I'd be at the reunion... and I would really like to... but I had breast reconstruction surgery two weeks ago and am just not up to it. I would have loved to have met you all. Oh well... maybe next year huh?

Take care,
Hey, Zazzer - knew it was coming up in September - hope you will soon be FULLy recovered and back to your BOUNCY self. No puns intended there - LOL Seriously, hope you are doing well. You are in my thoughts and prayers, as always - Ann
Glad to hear that your at least o.k.! I'd like to meet everyone also, but I'll have to wait until we have a reunion closer to me. Until then, I'll just sit here, help some, pester others, and occasionally drive Hank out of his mind. :D
Hey Zazz, been wondering how you were! I knew you had that surgery, but I hadn't seen you post for a while, and began to worry. WE all understand about you missing the reunion, and hope to meet you next year! Keep us posted and I hope you are feeling a lot better!
Hi Joy,
Yeah, I've been a little remiss this summer in posting.... to much to do I suppose. But now fall is here and most outside chores are done. ;) I'll try to do a better job of keeping up with everyone! Too many boards and too little time! lol

Hope everyone is doing well!

Hi Zazzy,

I was looking forward to meeting you too, but I, like I'm sure everyone else that will be there understand. First and forthmost you need to heal from your resent surgery. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Hope you're feeling better soon. It would be great to see you at the next reunion if you can make it. Take care and God Bless.
Zazzy and Ross

Zazzy and Ross

Firts of all Zazzy, I have missed your smiling avatar and your valuable comments on the forum. I hope all is well with you and that you continue your recovery from your procedure. We'll meet sometime soon.

Second - Ross, yes you have tried to drive me out of my mind, but there is something you need to know. I have no mind. The grey matter fizzled and ran out of my ears on kid number three. Kid number four is 4 years old now so it's all gone now. I guess you could say I'm "comfortably numb" these days.

But please keep trying! It is entertaining to say the least.