I just have to share with you guys!

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Hi all!
I have attached a pict of the new baby girl that has arrived at our home yesterday. My recovery will no longer be quiet for sure! She is 9 months old and her name is Madi, short for Madison.
I am grinning from ear to ear!
Well, Madi is just beautiful. New dogs are such fun, but they can really wear you out when they're young!:)
Hi Carbo,

Beautiful dog, and I bet she keeps you hoppin. They are a lot of fun when they are little, but only stay little for a short while.
Have fun, and let her take you for those much needed walks.

Congenital Aortic Stenosis
AVR's 8/7/00 & 8/18/00
St. Jude's Mechanical
Congratulations Daddy on the new addition to your family!!!! What a sweetie!!!!

Take care,

Is she full Collie or is she a spin off Sheltie?

I'd like to have a Sheltie.
What a beautiful new baby you have there. She looks so placid. Just look at her expression and you can read trust and love right there. Can't ask for better.
hi carbo!
madi is just beautiful! have a great time with her. i just took my two daughters to look at a mini red poodle this past week (we already havea fabulous golden retriever at home), and we will be taking our new baby home in 3 weeks!
aren't they just the greatest?
enjoy and be well,
Carbo --- What a good looking dog! :) I bet she bonds with you in no time. Best of luck with her.

Wouldn't it be great if we could all be at least half as good as our dogs think we are?

Ron K
What a beautiful companion !

I hope she reminds you to take your daily walk just as my dog reminds me.


:D A supreme hound... a lovely dog. I bet she has beautiful teeth. My dog is about 1yr and wily "hamburger hound, table grazer" I wouldn't trade him for anything.

What a Beauty!

What a Beauty!

Congratulations and enjoy her. I love animals!
Thanks for showing her to us.

Thanks for showing her to us.

Carbo. Love the picture of your new family member. Very pretty.
Cute name too. Hope she will bring joy to you for many years.

Shelties really love agility. We have taken our terrier to class and the shelties just bark and can't get enough!
Have fun with your new doggie
Dog Of Beauty

Dog Of Beauty

Madi is a beautiful collie. She will keep you busy and will make sure that you take those walks.

Aortic valve replacement
St. Jude's valve